02. Just My Luck

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||3rd P.O.V.||

||The Cullens'||

"Well, this sort of blows," Emmett stated as they drove to school.

Rosalie was in the passenger seat beside him. She had her window rolled down, her long blonde hair flying about like a gold ribbon trailing the car due to the intense speed Emmett was driving at.

Edward, Alice, and Jasper were in the backseat. Edward sat directly behind Emmett with Alice tucked in between him and Jasper. Alice leaned her head against her mate's shoulders as she furrowed her little brows at Emmett's comment.

"What makes you say that?" She inquired.

Edward was watching the passing scenery as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He didn't want to be a part of the conversation. Frankly, he just didn't care. He still hadn't spoken more than two words at a time to anyone since his return. He didn't feel a need to.

"We aren't going to get to stay here very long. We're all starting as seniors. Aside from you, Alice," Emmett responded with a sigh. "Even Edward's a senior this go around. His brooding demeanor has aged him."

The burly vampire spoke the comment in jest, hoping to get a reaction out of Edward. A grin, a laugh, a flicker of emotion in his eyes- Anything. Unfortunately, his attempt was unsuccessful. The silent mind-reader didn't so much as bat an eye at his words.

Alice pursed her lips. "Yeah, but it will make it much easier to blend in, I think. It was really hard to pass you off as a sophomore or even a junior, for that matter."

Emmett barked out a laugh that came from deep within his stomach. At one point, Edward thought his laughter was contagious. That certainly wasn't the case anymore.

"That's true, that's true," he said with a huge grin.

Rosalie smiled fondly at her mate. "That's my man," she winked.

Edward stifled an eye roll at that.


||Lorelei's P.O.V||

I inhaled deeply before I stepped out of the car. Dustin hopped out of the passenger seat and strolled over to me.

He placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture and grinned. "You got this."

I smiled at him half-heartedly.

"Hey, Dustin! Over here!" His friends called from across the parking lot.

"Go. Hang out with your friends. I'll be okay," I assured him.

A look of pity fell across his face, causing me to shift uncomfortably. I didn't want my little brother to pity me.

"Seriously. I'll be fine," I chuckled weakly, gesturing towards his friends. "Go."

"Are you sure?" He asked with a forlorn smile.

"Yes. I'll.. go find Noah. We have first block together," I said with a nod.

"Alright. I'll see you in gym," he said with a wave and a smile.

I watched as he practically skipped to his small group of friends that welcomed him with a grin. I adjusted my bag over my shoulder anxiously and clutched my books to my chest as I headed towards the daunting building. If Grayson was here, he would be by my side, holding my hand as we walked through the main entrance together. Knowing that caused a wave of sorrow to engulf me.

As I walked into the school, I felt like all eyes were on me- like they were all waiting for me to fall apart again. Since Grayson's death, I've been sort of an outcast. I was labeled a freak. It hurts, but I suppose it's true.

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