24. Seemingly Meaningless

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||Lynna's P

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||Lynna's P.O.V.||

None of the Cullens were at school today. That was the first thing I noticed when I walked into class that morning. I stared at the empty seat beside me with a frown. History class dragged on and on without their company. Alice had texted me and informed that none of them would be at school due to the sunny weather. I made a mental note to ask her about that later.

I was missing both Alice and Emmett, which I had no problem admitting. The one Cullen who I refused to admit that I even noticed their absence was Edward. However, as the day progressed, I was finding it difficult to keep him from my mind.


The sun peeked through the trees and warmed my flushed face as I trekked through the woods later that evening. It had been a few days since I had visited Grayson, so I was taking advantage of the nice weather and heading to the cemetery on foot.

"It's hard telling what sort of big, bad monsters are lurking in the woods, Holloway."

I jumped and yelped at the sound of the voice. Edward jumped down from a tree, landing directly in front of me and smirking like the devil. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You scared me," I stated sternly.

His smirk grew, which I couldn't help but find oddly seductive.

"I can see that," he chuckled lowly before his face turned serious. His eyes were hooded as he said, "I meant what I said though. It's not safe in the woods."

"Well good thing I have a big, strong vampire here to protect me," my voice was dripping with sarcasm as I bypassed him to continue walking.

A gasp flew through my lips when he jumped over me without any effort, landing directly in front of me in a bid to block my path.

"What the hell?" I hissed, despite being totally impressed by his supernatural agility.

He pressed his lips into a thin line as if he was fighting back a smile. "Where are you going?"

"To the cemetery," I replied stiffly, ducking under a tree branch to get around him.

"You're going the wrong way," he stated as-matter-of-factly.

Before I could blink, he was perched in a tree above me, looking down with a devilish grin. I craned my neck to see him, narrowing my eyes at his smug face.

"No, I'm not," I retorted, folding my arms across my chest. "The cemetery is straight ahead, just past the creek."

He shook his head mockingly, his ember eyes glinting with amusement. "The creek is that way." He nodded over his shoulder. "You're currently headed straight for the mountain."

I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm not."

What sort of game was he playing?

He chuckled lowly. "You sure about that?" He challenged.

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