35. Lovesick

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||Lynna's P

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||Lynna's P.O.V.||

"Here's some ginger ale and crackers." Mamaw sat them on the dresser before placing a cold, damp washcloth on my face. "This should make you feel better."

Shortly after ending things with Edward, I had gotten physically ill. For the past two days, I have been unable to keep anything down. I felt weak and feverish, and I feared I wasn't going to get better anytime soon.

"Dr. Bennett says it's just a seventy-two-hour virus. Apparently, it's going around school," she said to me. "You need to drink something. It's important to stay hydrated."

I tried to sit up in bed but immediately collapsed when my head started spinning. "I can't," I breathed out in a raspy voice. "I just want to sleep."

All I really wanted was for Edward to climb through my window and wrap me in his arms, as if his presence could somehow cure me of my illness. I was being absolutely ridiculous.

"Well, get some rest, sweetheart." She gave me a small smile before hovering in the doorway. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll check on you in a little bit."

The second my door was closed, my eyes fluttered shut, drifting into an uneasy sleep.


By the time Friday rolled around, the nausea had passed, but I was still feeling extremely weak. No doubt, I was dehydrated. I sipped on some Gatorade and checked my phone. Alice had dropped some of my homework off the day prior, but Mamaw told her I wasn't feeling up to visitors-Which I wasn't. There were countless missed calls and texts from my worried aunt. With a sigh, I dialed her number. She answered on the first ring.

"Lynna! Are you feeling any better? I've been so worried about you. If I didn't hear from you today, I was going to send Carlisle to check on you." Her high-pitched musical voice echoed in my ears.

"I'm getting better," I said to her in a weak voice. "I'll see you Monday."

"Do you need me to come by and help you get caught up with your schoolwork? Vampires are immune to viruses, you know," she chuckled airily.

I breathed out a faint laugh, though it wasn't genuine. My heart ached in my chest. A part of me was tempted to ask about him. Was he okay? I bit my lip forcefully before shaking my head. Of course, he's okay. I replayed the image of his stoic face in my mind- The way he looked before vanishing from sight. He had been completely void of emotion. The overwhelming urge to crawl back into bed and sleep was taking hold.

"No. I'm just going to get some rest," I told her, gripping the phone firmly. "Thanks, Alice."

"If you need anything at all, let me know," she said in a stern tone before adding in a chipper voice, "Love you!"

"I love you too." I smiled faintly before ending the call.


Over the weekend, I was able to catch up on my schoolwork. After missing nearly a week of school, there was more than enough assignments to keep me occupied. When Monday morning rolled around, I woke up a bit earlier than usual so that I could take a shower before class. I was tempted to get 'all dolled up' in hopes of catching Edward's eye, but I still felt too out of sorts to try. The warm water did little to soothe my aching body. I was still feeling drained-Emotionally and physically. Dark circles were prominent under my eyes and no amount of concealer could cover them up. I put on some mascara, hoping to distract from the heavy bags.

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