15. Dreamcatchers

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(Edward's P

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(Edward's P.O.V)

I couldn't stop the scowl that crawled across my face as my brothers and I walked into our home. Alice and Rosalie had already left to go on their shopping trip with Alice's little human friend, Lynna. A part of me was tempted to follow; the only thing preventing me from doing just that was the fact that Alice would instantly know about it. I wasn't sure why I even wanted to follow after them, to be honest. It was just a strange, pulling sensation in my chest that I was choosing to ignore.

So, here I was. Standing in the living room beside Carlisle who was sitting on the couch as Emmett started cackling to himself. Jasper was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest as he quirked a brow at our brother's laughter.

"Sorry, I was just-" Emmett spoke between fits of laughter. "It's just- You should have seen Lynna's face when that Leo guy asked her to the dance. It was PRICELESS. She was not expecting that."

Now, I was interested. I stood up straighter and delved into Emmett's mind. He replayed the image of her face all scrunched up in confusion. Her cheeks reddened and her mouth dropped to the ground after a moment. She looked at the 'Leo' boy in horror; surprise was evident in her features.

"Who's Leo?" I questioned my brother, trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.

Whoever this 'Leo' is, I already didn't like him. Carlisle looked up from the book he was reading to look between Emmett and me. Jasper was sporting a smug smile as he studied me; his thoughts were guarded. He was mentally reciting the Japanese alphabet on repeat.

"He's on the football team. I heard he and Tyler are rivals. Rumor has it, he asked Lynna just to get under Tyler's skin," Emmett responded, still chuckling to himself. "And judging by how red Tyler's face was, it worked."

"Wait, did she say yes?!" My head snapped in his direction as a strange emotion coursed through me.

He looked at me in disbelief. Jasper snickered quietly to himself. Carlisle pursed his lips before he turned his attention back to the medical book he was reading.

"This is Lynna we're talking about. She hardly even speaks to the guy. Of course she said no," Emmett mumbled, giving me an odd look.

I folded my arms across my chest.

"When did he ask her?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, even though I was certain I already knew the answer.

"During Study Hall. You would know if you hadn't ditched last period," he stated firmly, meeting my gaze. "What's with all the questions anyway?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, instantly feeling on the defense. "Do you have a problem with me asking questions?"

He raised his brows and seemed to puff out his chest. "When they're about Lynna, I do."

I shot daggers in his direction. Jasper pressed his lips into a stern line when he felt the tension in the air. Carlisle, once again, looked up from his reading and frowned when he saw the look on my face.

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