10. Love Is Fickle

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(Lynna's P

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(Lynna's P.O.V)

The damp mist coated the cemetery like a blanket and caressed my flushed cheeks. I slowly inhaled a deep breath in a failed attempt to calm my nerves. The full moon acted like a spotlight as it shone down on the tombstones, managing to highlight every little detail of the haunting night.

As I stumbled onto a rocky trail leading to the never-ending land of nowhere, I felt something ice cold gently brush against my arm. As I spun around on my heels, I could feel my flushed face drain of all color.

Grayson stood before me with glowing red eyes that were filled with undeniable sadness. His skin was as white as snow, making him appear to glow under the moonlight. His haunting eyes seemed to be staring into the deepest, darkest pits of my soul. My heart thumped against my ribcage like a beating drum.

"It isn't safe," he whispered; his voice carried to my ears like a broken melody.

I stood like a deer in headlights as the red in his eyes faded, slowly revealing his deep blue eyes that I fell in love with. His pained expression gave way to a gentle smile as his cheeks flooded with color, the ghostly appearance of his skin dissipating to reveal his golden tan. He raised his hand and hesitantly reached for me. I held my breath as he gingerly caressed my cheek. This time, his touch was warm and reassuring.

He stared into my eyes with the force of a thousand suns. His smile faltered as he repeated his previous words, "It isn't safe."


I awoke in a cold sweat, jolting straight up in bed. My heart was still beating loudly against my ribcage. I was practically panting; my breaths were raggedy and hastened. I ran a hand through my hair and was met with tangles. A sob broke through my chest at the memory of the dream. It felt so real. He felt so real.

I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw that it was exactly 3:03 in the morning. I still had four hours before I needed to wake up for school, but given my frantic state, I knew I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon.


"You good, sis? Even your bags have bags," Dustin teased as we pulled into the parking lot of the school.

I nodded, gripping the steering wheel firmly as I replayed the dream in my mind.

"Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I'll survive," I assured him with a forced smile.

The second I stepped into the school, Noah flitted to my side.

You don't look so good, he said with a frown.

"Thanks. Exactly what a girl wants to hear first thing in the morning," I replied sarcastically with a grim smile.

He rolled his eyes in a playful manner. You know what I mean.

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