07. Coincidence

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||Edward's P

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||Edward's P.O.V||

"They're having a memorial for Grayson tonight. I think that's such a lovely idea. I can tell he meant a lot to many students here. Apparently, he was the captain of the football team. I hear he was an exceptional quarterback. 'A real star' as Coach Miller put it. It's such a shame what happened to him. Lynna showed me a picture of him in gym. He was very handsome and had the deepest blue eyes. They were such a cute couple-" I interrupted Alice's incessant monolog as my fist came down on the table with a force that nearly shattered it.

There was a crack in the center of the table, where my fist met the surface. "Enough!" I glowered.

Although my glare was meant for Alice, Jasper was the one that returned it full force.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jasper questioned, rage twisting his usual stoic features.

Emmett looked up from playing with his food; his usual jolly demeanor vanished as he looked between me and Jasper. Alice was staring at me with hurt in her eyes; her thoughts were guarded. The thoughts of everyone in the cafeteria started echoing in my mind, seeming to grow louder and louder by the second.

I wanted to scream. My eyes slowly trailed to the golden-haired girl with piercing blue eyes whose mind was hushed. She was looking right at me with a blank expression. When she saw me looking, she ripped her eyes from mine and started picking at her food once more.

Jasper's question rang through my mind- What is wrong with me?! I hesitantly met his furious gaze, Alice's hurt eyes, Emmett's curious expression, and Rosalie's annoyed frown before I responded in a broken whisper, "I don't know."

Before any of them could respond, I all but ran out of the cafeteria, dodging strange glances from several teachers as I escaped the school and sprinted into the neighboring woods where I was finally free from the thoughts of those around me.

||3rd P.O.V||The Cullens||

"What the hell was that?" Emmett asked his siblings.

Jasper wrapped an arm around Alice; he didn't need to be an empath to know when his mate needed comforting. The petite vampire leaned into his embrace. She was truly affected by Edward's behavior. Out of all her siblings, her and Edward had always been the closest- up until his departure twenty years ago, that is. She missed her brother; they all did- who he used to be; who he still is, deep inside.

"I don't know. But it was uncalled for," Jasper grumbled bitterly.

He was going to have a talk with the emotional mind-reader later. He knew Edward was going through a lot. He felt everything he felt. Up until recently, Edward had been completely numb. Anytime the empath was around him, Jasper had a strange, hollow feeling overcome him. Edward was empty inside; broken.

However- Over the past few days, Jasper noticed that the numbness had been replaced with anger. All he could feel from the brooding vampire was anger with a twinge of sadness. Up until now, that is. During Alice's monolog, Jasper picked up on the slightest hint of jealousy, but it was very much overshadowed by anger- so much so, that the empath believed he may have imagined it.

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