18. Wallow

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(Lynna's P.O.V)

"Are you excited for the dance tonight?" Alice asked as I sat down in my assigned seat next to her brooding brother.

Edward hadn't said one word to me since Tuesday when we were all setting up for the dance. As a matter of fact, I don't think he even so much as looked at me- Which was a far cry from his usual incessant glares. He seemed to be perfectly focused on his schoolwork anytime I was around.

I found myself nodding in answer to her question. Emmett flashed me a goofy grin which I returned half-heartedly. Alice studied me with curious eyes.

"Well, you don't look very excited," she said to me.

To be honest, I wasn't. I was kind of dreading it. I shrugged at her comment.

"I'm totally excited," I lied through my teeth.

Edward scoffed, causing my head to swivel in his direction. He was staring straight ahead but his lips were pursed and his jaw was clenched. I narrowed my eyes at the side of his face.

"What time are you going to start getting ready? How are you going to style your hair? Up or down? And what about your makeup? Bold or natural? Either one would look good with your dress." Alice's eyes were lit with excitement.

Emmett chuckled lowly at his sister's giddiness, while Edward continued to ignore my existence.

"Hmm. I haven't thought about it actually," I admitted with another shrug.

She frowned her disapproval. "Well, what time is Tyler picking you up?"

A snapping sound came from beside me. I looked at Edward and saw that he had snapped his pencil in half. I quirked a brow at his stoic face. He continued staring straight ahead; I noticed how his fists were clenched so tightly that the whites of his knuckles were visible.

I found myself studying his strong jawline. He had a lovely side profile. He was extremely good-looking, I had to admit. If he wasn't such a brooding, hateful, temperamental asshole, then I knew for a fact that the girls would be all over him. He was simply far too intimidating for any of them to try.

"Need another pencil, bro?" Emmett asked his brother, attempting to hand him a pencil from across Edward's shoulder.

Edward scowled and shook him away, but not before grabbing the pencil from Emmett's hand and snapping it in half as well. My mouth dropped at his behavior. He was acting like a spoiled little brat that didn't get his way. Emmett chuckled lowly and slunk back in his seat, finding amusement at his brother's childish antics.

"What the hell was that, Cullen?!" I could no longer stay quiet.

His head snapped in my direction, his midnight eyes locking with mine for the first time in three days. A flicker of fury sparked in their onyx depths. Goosebumps erupted all over my body due to his penetrating gaze.

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