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Hello there! :D

Sorry it took me so long (again), I was drawing something else I wanted to do for quite a while by now. But that's not the point, because today we're looking at CHE5TER LENKOV, submitted by @Hirokatsu800 and yeah. I'd just start right in, so get yourself a snack and let's go!

(rules as always, semi-scientific questions, chronological order.)

Fandom: none – original universe present in the "Glory in War" Series by me xd

Ok, so how does that world work? How much is it different from our reality?


I'm not too fond of the spelling, since that damned 5 makes it unpleasant to use caps lock. Anyway. Chester (I won't type his name again, sorry) is of Latin origin and means "camp of soldiers". I didn't even know there was a name with a weird meaning like that. And Lenkov doesn't really have a meaning, at least I didn't find one.

Nickname: Seven Two

That... why does he have this nickname? How does it connect to him? Can I call him 72 if I have to type his name again?

Age: 24 (present)

Good, young adult, very nice.

Gender: Male

Ok, I assume pronouns he/him.

Species: Almost-Human, category of "Creators" in the original Universe (or "C born" for short)


Appearance: dark brown hair and eyes,

I've had many OCs with dark brown hair, but dark hair statistically is way more usual than light hair, so yeah. Good choice.

with the colour "voothrav" (or seen as red for us)

where does it originate? Is it a pigment? Or is a mutation causing his hair to be like that? Did he dye it?

being at the end of the hair and covering the original colour of the eyes completely when the energy is full

Oh wait. We're talking about the eyes, my bad. Still, how does it work? Is it that eventually his eyes are completely red? No iris, no white? Nothing?

(it is a symbol all C beings are born with and they have their own colours each);

C beings? What else is there? And why the new name? And do all the colours have a new name?

the hair is short but manages to cover the back of his neck, has a scar on half his face under his left eye and many more around his body, including his right arm and a part of his stomach.

...why? Is he in the military? Somewhere else where it isn't unlikely to get a few (pretty serious) wounds? Or is he just incredibly clumsy/unlucky and he once fell into the fireplace after tripping over some rock?

Personality: vague

This is it. I've found the ultimate personality description, I can finally die in peace. (I sure hope you smell the sarcasm)

(he used to be a lively person but in the present days he had lost that liveliness.

Why? Was his family slaughtered before his eyes and now he has sworn an oath not to let anything hurt himself ever again?

Some even say that he might be emotionless, but he sometimes prove to have and feel emotions.

Wooow. What an accomplishment. Having emotions. I know how I sound, but... I've seen many OCs with at least partly no emotions. Let's see what you make of him, as this isn't a one hit KO.

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