13. Yasmine Al-lfriqui

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Hello there! :D

Today we're looking at Yasmine Al-lfriqui, a character submitted by @magam321 again, we saw one of their characters earlier (Alessandra Silvana Adorno was her full name if I remember correctly), and, what I also recall is that she was a pretty good character. So let's see how her wife is doing, and let's start right in! :D
(rules as always; scientific questions, bookscience, chronological order)

Fandom: Same as Alessandra's sheet.

Would've guessed that, but I believe it was pretty good worldbuilding

Name: Yasmine Al-Ifriqi

The name Yasmine is of Persian origin and means "jasmine blossom", "flower" or "scent", but the last meaning of "symbol of love" is the nicest I believe. I found the name Al-Ifriqui, but not a single mention of its meaning, so unfortunately, I can't tell you more about that.

Nickname(s): Yas, Boss

Yas, girl, slayyyyyy!!1! You got this, you're the boss!! 💅

Oh wow what did I just say I need the bleach. [for legal reasons that's a joke.] But it's good, I'll go with Yas if I need it

Age: 1165

I don't know like what age she looks like but I assume late twenties early thirties?

Gender: Female (she/her)


Species: Witch

Also good, though I forgot how exactly witches differ from humans and am too lazy scrolling up. Well, it can't be too bad


At around 175 cm, and with a mostly lean figure, the term 'long' comes to mind when describing her body type.

Ok, very good.

She's from the Middle East, and so has a dark-olive skin tone.

Also very good, I don't think we had any POCs yet, so I'm more than happy about this representation :D

She has slightly thick eyebrows and high cheekbones.

I don't know if she seems a little too pretty to be real, I'm a little suspicious, but go on

Her hair is wavy, and a dark brown color. Yasmine has very dark eyes, a nearly black, deep-brown color.

Usual for people from the middle east I think, but very good

Yasmine has a scar running on top of her heart, matching the one on her wife's chest.

~Lesbianism~, and very good, keeping things consistent.


Clean-cut business suits, elegant dresses, jumpsuits worth more than an average person's car.

...I mean, she has been around a while, but I think that is a little too excessive? I'm more of a practical person, so I don't really know much about... all that, but. I'll show you what this much money is: a European pays on average about 27.500€ for a new car (I know that the average worth of a car would be below that, but for consistencies sake I'll stick with that). Assuming she has eight outfits (you used the plural for quote "Clean-cut business suitS, elegant dressES, jumpsuitS (so I counted two each, but I assume she has more) [...] a loose button down or an oversized blazer" of which each is as much AS a car (not more than it) so with some simple math we have 220,000€ worth of clothing, and I think I didn't count bras, panties, accessories (, hopefully some hoodies and plain shirts or blouses, because if everything is fancy it might be a little too much) and so on. And going by your statement with quote "worth more than an average person's car", and presumably very high-quality accessories we'll be at... I'm bad at guessing such things, but maybe 230.000€. Also, I just researched this and if I can trust Google, Louis Vuitton currently is the best designer in the world (dunno whether that's true), and one (1) jumpsuit costs about 3.000€. so. And I didn't count the stuff she presumably buys for the coven, you said something about "usually going out in the same style" or something, so we are far beyond that point.

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