14. Marielle

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Hello there! :D

Guess what! I'm back from the dead, I know it's been a very long time and I'm very sorry for taking this long. But what does it matter now, I better start before I forget I wanted to do this... and today we're looking at Marielle, submitted by @Stardust_in_the_Sea again. So grab your drinks and lets dive in!

(rules as always; scientific questions, bookscience, chronological order)

Fandom: Pjo/HoO but a different story

Ok, I see you really seem to like this fandom, but there lies no shame in that, they are really good

Name: Marielle

Marielle is a name found in French, and means "Star of the sea", "bitterness" and "rebelliousness" as well as a few other things, but it is a pretty name and fits her in my opinion

Nickname: Mari (this is what she always goes by)

Fits, very nice

Age: idk immortal??

If I didn't know any better I would have guessed as old as time itself, but since she is born way later I would say like... 5000 years? 10000 maybe?

Gender: female


Species: goddess (truth)

She is the goddess of truth? Ok, that makes the thing with being overpowered a little more easy, but lets see

Appearance: long wavy amber hair with soft brown eyes. Ivory skin with a few freckles across the nose

A little stereotypical pretty, but hey goddess and all, I can let that slip (but only in this case)

Clothing: um either an ankle length pale gold trimmed chiton or chb T-shirt and shorts depending on the occasion

Both make sense, but... what is she doing in chb? She is a goddess after all, and with that description I would guess that she is more or less a regular there?

Personality: really sweet and honest, a little shy, but fights for her beliefs and has a rebellious side

... at this point she ventures a little far into Sue-territory, I can't tell whether that's good or not...

Flaws: she ALWAYS has to tell the truth, which could put her in potential trouble, and she had trouble letting go and leaving her family

The first thing makes sense, being the goddess of truth and all. I can see this being an interesting mechanic throughout the story. The second one I'm not quite sure how that is a flaw, since I can't really get a grasp on the relationship she had with her family, but assuming she loves them, it might be fairly reasonable not leaving easily

Disabilities: well none reeeeaaaallyyyy because she's a goddess but she does have trouble manipulating the mist of any other form of deception due to being the goddess of truth

Also makes sense

Dislikes: Dolos (he's a minor good search it up)

... she literally is (forcibly) married to the god of deception. Woooow. He is the personification of many of the things if not everything she hates. Not too original, but I see your line of thought.

lying, anything formal and/or over extravagant

that's ok so far I believe

Likes: Being helpful, nature, Hestia

Maybe add some stuff, but for the start, it's alright

Powers: she can tell if someone is telling the truth, and force them to if they don't

How exactly is she forcing one to tell the truth? With her ropes? Torture methods too graphic for me to talk about? Or just magic?

along with the normal god powers that I don't want to write here

Shapeshifting? Being like near invincible? I don't know all of them, but is that included for example?

Backstory: She was born to Harmonia and Zeus

Not what the "source material" of literal Greek mythology says, I can't really say it's ok to do that but since it probably doesn't matter that much I can let it slip I guess

and later in her life was forced into a marriage with Dolos by Zeus and Hera.

Why though? What is the motivation? More godly grandchildren? They literally are polar opposites, and it might not work out very well so... how did they try to justify this?

Nor much really, nothing tragic or anything.

Depending on the person and the overall situation, being forced into marriage can be pretty tragic

Family: Zeus, Harmonia, literally every single good/demigod ever born in some way

That makes sense, good

Other: She owns several ropes made of various godly metals that she uses her weapons

Same as Laqueta, but I can't say it's bad assuming she can work effectively with it

So we're through!

Marielle is an ok character overall, not too bad, not too sue-y, but I also can't say she is the revolution in character writing. There just is a little too little substance for a super solid personality, but I'm sure you will expand on her as you progress in your work. So basically, from this glimpse I got she is ok, maybe a little too perfect, but not suspiciously perfect. One step at a time, And yeah.

She gets 18 godly ropes out of 4 lies.

so, for her drawing. I have to admit, that this is the reason I was gone for so long, reallife is rather busy at the moment and I can't get myself to draw something much these days. If I can, I will still do it, but unfortunately I can't guarantee on that... I hope you understand.

I hope to welcome you back next time!

See you soon!

And here, have a biscuit 🍪 :D

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