Chapter 23

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"Howell I'm bored here..."

You sighed exasperatedly as you leaned against the front counter of the cat cafe while Howell came from feeding the cats.

"Y/N you shouldn't be bored you are around me remember?" He did a small flip of his hair while looking at you as you deadpanned at him.

"I don't know you are kinda boring sometimes..."

You looked at him smugly while he looked at you offended. "How dare you say that to me! Fine, I suppose I will go out and do this week's special chalkboard drawings myself-" you cut him off suddenly.

"No please take me outside I'm dying of boredom in here!"

There still weren't as many customers as before but you think that lady you helped out a long while ago had tipped people about the place cause now more than three people show up every day and you have been cleaning around with Howell who helps out (because you force him) thankfully so the cafe isn't in ruins. Plus you helped him out with bills thanks to the few temp jobs you went with Bee and Puppycat.


The two of you sat outside the cat cafe with chalk sitting next to the two of you and two cats on Howell's side as you guys proceeded to draw and write on the chalkboard together. Although you stop drawing for a moment seeing one of the cats smacking a chalk piece into the other cat's face.


You hold in your laugh as Howell finishes up his side and moves his hair out of his face leaving a white mark on his forehead then proceed to wipe his hand on the cat's face leaving a white handprint. As you laughed you glanced at what he finished writing amongst your drawings.

"Howell... what in the hell is 'Creamed watermelon with sea salt?'"

You stared at the words in horror amongst the other food atrocities that were scribbled on the chalkboard. He glanced over at you with some sass "Creamed watermelon with sea salt duh." You look at him disgusted "Um no let me change it I'm supposed to be assistant manager now remember? So let me have my input!"

He rolled his eyes "Fine I suppose you can change my amazing seasonal menu items." He got up and dusted himself off as he stood there watching you while you were busy fixing the menu specials to simple things like 'Watermelon drinks', 'Pumpkin shaped cookies', and 'etc.' You looked proudly at your new work as he stared down at the chalkboard with his arms crossed before glancing at you and giving you a 'hmph' with a small smile while holding his hand out to you. "I suppose it looks better but I'm not going to admit it fully."

After taking his outstretched hand and standing up you smiled "I know." You stood next to him as you proceeded to grab a small towel from the front pocket of your work outfit and wipe the white chalk spot on his forehead.

"I can't have you walking around with a big white mark on your forehead hahah."

You laughed as his face softened a bit at your gesture before he turned away. "Thank you Y/N I suppose I will let you finish up out here I have more people to boss around inside." You nod as he heads back inside the cat cafe while you wipe the white chalk powder from the poor cat's face after Howell's accidental mishap with using him as a wipe.

Finally, you finished cleaning up the chalk pieces and led the kitties back inside the cat cafe as you put the chalk back under the cupboard of the counter in the cafe you smile softly seeing the overwhelming pile of bills that were once there pretty much gone at this point. After closing the cabinet you stood up glancing and seeing about two people picking up some cookies and cake slices to go from Howell as you proceeded to walk over to the bathroom to wash your hands you noticed Tim running away from the door.

"Huh? Wait a minute- CRISPIN!!!"

You knocked on the door and after a while, he opened it. "Jeez, you have to like poop really bad or something? I was busy with my clown statues." You look at him embarrassed "WHAT? No, I just needed to wash my hands from the chalk now MOVE!" He moves over to the side as you slide underneath his arm to enter and begin washing your hands. You see that he is still standing there looking at you as you then flick the water at him making him let out a small screech as he flees the bathroom while you snort as he runs off and dry your hands with a paper towel. "Haha silly..." You glance at the fish in the bathroom they stare back at you.

"I miss Wesley... I need to go fishing with him again."

You have been so busy with your stuff that you haven't scheduled your usual fishing trip day with Wesley like before. He said Cream and Cheese are still doing well maybe on your next trip you can release them back into the sea again so they can continue living their lives. The day went by pretty fast as the cafe closed up for the night. You head back home on your scooter waving Bye Howell who said he will close up for the day. You notice that there was snow and violets surrounding the area outside your small house and the tree leaves were brown.

"Oh, man! Today was the four-season thing! I missed it!"

After groaning in frustration you sit on your couch slowly closing your eyes a sudden knock on your door interrupts you. You open it seeing that Crispin is standing there and looking as bored as ever in front of your doorstep.

"You are coming with me to pick up Bee's bike because I said so." (He heard you say you missed Wesley and got jealous)

You stared at him blankly "Dude it's literally like super late at night...." He scoffed "Well Deckard called me to pick it up and I wanted to bring you along with us." You shrugged and nodded shutting your door behind you as you walked next to him to Bee's area. The walk is quick as you notice her lights go off and Crispin knocks still looking irritated as she answers happily.

"Deckard called me. He said I had to pick up your stupid bike for you." You nudged him a bit as he let out a soft "ow" Bee smiled regardless clapping "Oh Crispin what a mean way to say a nice favor! Y/N! You are here too!!" Her gaze lands on you as you smile back happy to see her as well "Hi Bee! And Puppycat" The angry face Puppycat had made seeing Crispin had vanished as he spotted you next to him and he nodded acknowledging your presence.

Soon the four of you were in Crispin's tow truck he had an irritated look on his face as you sat next to him with Puppycat lying across both your lap and Bee's while the drive was silent minus the random chandelier in his truck swaying side to side as he drives to the destination. Finally, the truck stopped as a Moose stood there and moved, Bee's bike is now seen as two foxes lick it and a little frog sits on top of it.

Bee gets out of the truck waving the exhaust pipe around as Crispin gets out and helps Bee load it in as they shake their head when you offer to help. They both didn't want you to get hurt, while you sat with Puppycat inside still until he hopped out. You sigh as you stare at the mini chandelier in the truck zoning out before jolting in your seat when you hear Crispin whining at Bee.


Your eyes dart over hearing the driver's side open as he sits next to you staring forward before speaking "....You don't really mind the clown stuff right?" He didn't look at you as he said this. "I don't mind it much, to be honest sometimes it creeps me out a bit... but you made my scooter look cute." He nodded as was about to say something else until Bee had entered the passenger side squeezing next to you once more. "Puppycat is riding on my bike he doesn't want to be squished." You nodded as the ride back home was pretty quiet, he dropped you and Bee off before heading to his garage. You wave at them both as Puppycat begins walking to Bee's area and smile as you head inside your little house.

"What an interesting day." 

(A/N: I rewatched all of Bee and Puppycat series on Netflix again and my motivation kind of came back haha thank you all for the love and support on this book! I appreciate all the comments, votes, and adding to your reading lists! See you all in the next update! <3 :))

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