Chapter 1: The Avengers Initiative

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5 Months Later...

At the Hydra base an alarm sounds as multiple Hydra soldiers run into the armory and grab assault rifles, and pistols, as well as tasers. The PA goes off.

PA: Achtung, Proband 3 ist aus seinem Behälter ausgebrochen. Sichern oder neutralisieren Sie das Ziel. Ich wiederhole, Testperson 3 ist aus seinem Behälter ausgebrochen. Sichern oder neutralisieren Sie das Ziel. (Translation: Warning, test subject 3 has broken out of his container. Secure or neutralize the target. I repeat test subject 3 has broken out of his container. Secure or neutralize the target.)

A person walks down the halls with a growing aura around him. It is revealed to be Y/N. He walks with his eyes glowing. Some of the scientist tries to run but Y/N uses his powers to kill them. The soldiers arrive.

Hydra Solider: Feuer! (Translation: Fire!)

They all shoot at him, but Y/N uses the Time Stones power to stop the bullets and send them back at the soldiers killing a few.

Hydra Solider: Zurückgreifen! (Translation: Fall back!)

They start to run as Y/N turns the corner and starts to use the Power Stones power to kill the Hydra soldiers. The main doors get blasted open as Y/N steps outside and his aura fades as he takes in the air. The Mind Stone stopped talking. He then hears more soldiers coming as he turns, and his aura returns. In the aftermath, all there was left was a destroyed Hydra base, dead soldiers who are all dead. The only people who survived were Wanda and Pietro. Wanda looked around the rubble for Y/N thinking he was in there, but he wasn't. Wanda hugged her brother as they saw more Hydra agents arriving at the scene. Afterwards they were moved to a more secure lab. In an alleyway in New York, a blue portal opens, and Y/N comes out of it. Y/N comes out of the alleyway as he sits down remembering how this happened...

4 Months Ago...

Four months before the incident, Y/N sits in his glass container against the glass. Throughout the month Hydra studied his powers and it was unlike anything they have ever seen. Y/N powers have been trying to tell him something more specifically the Mind Stone. Y/N listened to it as it told him of the universe, he was in. He learnt about many things. He learnt of the Celestials and their purpose, the Eternals, the destruction of Titan, The Skrulls, and his powers. Y/N and Wanda grew a close bond, both keeping each other company.

Wanda: You, okay?

Y/N: I'm fine. It's just my powers are telling me stuff.

Pietro: Like what?

Y/N: Mostly random stuff, but I do not know what any of it means.

Wanda and Y/N were entangled considering they both have the Mind Stone power in them which made their bond grow even stronger.

2 Months Ago...

The Mind Stone was going crazy inside of Y/N. It was constantly talking to him, warning him about Hydra. Y/N tried to sound it out but couldn't. Throughout the days it will get worse and worse. Sometimes the Mind Stone talked at night, and it wouldn't let him sleep. He could not understand what it was saying. For some reason, Wanda sensed he was struggling with his powers. Wanda did her best to calm him down as she could not do anything because they were separated. Eventually Wanda was available to calm him down and the Mind Stone stopped talking for a while.

Y/N: What are they trying to tell me?

1 Hour Ago...

The voices were constantly talking as Wanda and Pietro were out of their containers to be tested. The voice became louder as Y/N tried to ignore them.

Y/N: Shut up!

It got louder until he closed his eyes and listened. It told him of Hydra and their purpose. It told him of Hydra's goals of world domination. Realizing he was being lied to, he made a plan to escape. When Baron came to get him Y/N blasted him away and began to escape. Baron recovered and sounded the alarm.

Present Day...

Y/N got up and was walking down the street when a van pulled up.

Man: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Man: Get him.

Multiple people came out as Y/N fought them with his powers. Y/N easily overpowered them as one of them tried to tase him, but Y/N used the Reality Stone to turn the taser into ash. He then blasted him into the van. He begins to run as more people begin to chase him. In one of the vans Phil Coulson was in there and he made a call.

Phil: He's running. Going to cut him off. Get here as soon as you can.

The car with Phil Coulson drives off in a different direction as Y/N was running the van with Phil Coulson cut him off. The other vans block his exit. Before he could use the Space Stone to escape, and person comes out.

???: Don't worry.

Y/N turns and sees him.

Nick Fury: We won't hurt you.

It was Nick Fury.

Y/N: Who are you?

Nick Fury: Nick Fury Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Y/N: Director of what now?

Nick Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D. I've been planning something, and I want you to be a part of it.

Nick Fury grabs a folder from the van and hands it to him and he looks and sees the title of the folder.


Y/N reads over the folder and after he finishes it Fury speaks once again.

Nick Fury: A while back I encountered other life forms and we do not know how many are out there. Some may be good; some may be dangerous and could end us. That's why we need to find more.

Y/N: More weapons like me?

Nick Fury: More heroes like you.

Y/N looks at him and then at the folder as he sees people that could be recruited such as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner. There was one that was considered but was crossed out and it was Emil Blonsky. He then closes the folder and gives it to him.

Nick Fury: So, are you in?

Y/N looks at Fury and the Stones talk to him. He listens to them very closely and it tells him that he is trustworthy and to go with him. Y/N nods. 

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