Chapter 24: The Children of Thanos

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An Asgard ship is sent off in Space.

Asgardian PA: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft!

Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. Heimdall, badly wounded, reaches out as if he would stop Maw as he passes, but lacks the strength. Maw steps over them with no mind as he speaks, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.

Ebony: Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan... You may think this is suffering... No. it is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile...

Corvus Glaive stabs one of the lingering Asgardians.

Ebony: For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.

Loki stands with the Black Order. He watches Thanos, shrouded in darkness and light, a vague silhouette.

Thanos is looking out the large window.

Thanos: I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless.

He lifts Thor by the neck of his breastplate. Thor struggles feebly.

Thanos: It's frightening. Turn the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should Isay... I AM.

Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already hosts the violet Power Stone.

Thor: You talk too much.

Thanos looks at Loki.

Thanos: The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference.

The Black Order heft their weapons or smirks, as appropriate.

Loki: Oh, I do. Kill away!

Thanos presses the gauntlet to Thor's left temple. The Power Stone glows brightly. Thor screams in pain.


Thor: We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard.

Loki glances at Thor. He lifts his right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself.

Thor: You really are the worst brother.

Loki: I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again.

Thanos: Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.

Loki: Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another... We have a Hulk.

Thanos looks to his right just as the Hulk slams into him. Loki dives for Thor, pulling both of them out of the way as the Tesseract is thrown across the floor, and the Hulk charges Thanos. The Hulk pummels Thanos, forcing him backwards and shoving him into the wall of the ship. Maw stops Cull Obsidian from interfering.

Ebony: Let him have his fun.

Thanos pries the Hulk's hands away. After several hard blows, Thanos picks up the Hulk and slams him to the deck, defeated. Thor slams a metal bar across Thanos's back to no avail, is kicked across the deck by Thanos and is promptly bound in metal debris by Ebony Maw to keep him from interfering further.

Heimdall: All fathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time.

Heimdall summons the Bifrost, which carries the Hulk away; he meets Thor's eye.

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