The School Freak

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🫣 TW: Mild Swearing 🫣

It was another relatively normal day in Hawkins, as normal as the little town can get. Nothing was exactly the same without Will, Eleven, and Jonathan, but their friends were managing to get by. Everyone stuck together after the events that had occurred less than a year ago. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Steve and Robin are still close. They even gained a new friend, Eddie Munson. Dustin met him through a D&D Club called The Hellfire Club. Eddie was known as the lunatic at their school, so Steve wasn't too excited to hear that his children had joined his club.


"Eddie Munson?" Steve begins, as he paces the living room of his house, "You agreed to join a club with the school freak? Everyone says he's crazy. I don't know how I feel about this decision of yours."

Dustin huffs, "Eddie is a really cool and a good person. You just have to get to know him."

Steve stops pacing and makes eye contact with Dustin, "Fine. Join his club, but I don't want you getting sucked into some Satanic shit."

"It's not like that at all." Mike chimes in from his spot on Steve's couch.

Dustin gasps, "You should meet him, Steve!"

*End of Flashback*

When Steve met Eddie, he was still skeptical. The younger was pretty spontaneous and loud, so the stories of him were still intact. But after a while, he seemed to be more chill and fun. Steve started getting along with him pretty well. Eddie would come and hang out at the video store that Robin and Steve worked at. He didn't have a job there, but he started to organize the shelves and help out customers. There was one particular day that Robin got a cold and wasn't able to come to work. This left Steve alone for a few hours, before Eddie showed up. Steve was thankful that Eddie was there, because the job was lonely without Robin. The two boys connected on a whole other level that day. They started hanging out outside of work. When Eddie wasn't at The Hellfire Club, he was with Steve. All of their friends had their suspicions, but Robin was the only one that acted on it.


Steve and Robin are organizing the shelves at the video store. There is a comfortable silence that surrounds Steve. He's lost in his own thoughts, which obviously catches the Robin's attention.

"Steve!" Robin yells, finally being able to pull him out of his thoughts.

Steve looks at Robin, "Yeah?"

"Were you even listening to me?" Robin asks.

Steve freezes, "Umm. Not really."

Robin sighs and continues organizing the shelves, "What's on your mind? You've been quiet all day, and normally, you are really vibrant at-"

Robin stops in her tracks and makes eye contact with Steve, "Is it because Eddie didn't come today?"

Steve's eyes go big and he quickly looks away, "No."

"It is! Isn't it?" Robin says with a smirk plastered on her face.

Steve stands up, "No, that's not it. Whatever you're thinking is not it."

Robin stands up and gives Steve a questioning look, "Oh really. Well, I think that you are liking Eddie a little bit more than you should, so you are absolutely panicking. And when Eddie didn't show up today, you got really sad. And that sadness confirmed the fact that you think you like him more than you should."

"Okay," Steve begins, "Maybe you do know."

Robin smiles, "Really? I'm right?"

"But I still like girls." Steve quickly states.

Robin laughs, "Have you heard of bisexuality?"

Steve tilts his head, "What?"

"Bisexuality. It's when you are attracted to two or more genders." Robins states matter-of-factly.

Before Steve can respond, the front door opens. Both Robin and Steve turn to see Eddie barging in with Dustin behind him. Steve's face lights up.

"Ayo! Sorry, I'm late. This turd lost his hat and dragged me to find it with him." Eddie announces, as he shoves Dustin a bit.

"Hey! This hat is a staple part of my personality!" Dustin replies.

Steve nods his head, "That's very true. Don't slander Dustin's hat, Eds."

Eddie puts his hands up in defense and then walks over to Steve and Robin, "What are you two doing over here?"

Robin looks at Eddie, "We were organizing the shelves, but now that you're here, you can take over my job. I'll go work at the counter with Dusty."

Eddie scoffs, when Robin hands him some VHS tapes. She leaves the two alone in the aisle.

"Jerk." Eddie mutters, as he moves up to where Robin had been standing.

Steve looks at Eddie and smiles a bit. He quickly looks away, when Eddie notices his stare. He gets back to organizing the shelves, and Eddie casually joins him. Since it was close to the very end of his shift, Steve only got to work with Eddie for around forty minutes.

"Alright, grab your stuff and let's lock up." Robin says, as she grabs the set of keys hanging in the cabinet under the cash register.

Steve nods his head and goes to the back room. When he's there, he grabs his and Robin's bags. He exits the back room and shuts the door. Robin comes up next to him and locks it.

"I think I'm bisexual." Steve whispers into Robin's ear.

Robin looks at him, "What?"

"I'm bisexual." Steve repeats even quieter.

Robin smiles.

*End of Flashback*

Robin was so excited when Steve came out to her. She couldn't wait to talk about his obvious crush on Eddie. That started to be the only thing Steve would talk about, when he was alone with Robin. But the endless crush talk ended one random Friday evening at Steve's house.


Steve is sitting on his bed reading the last page of a comic book he had gotten from the video store earlier that day. Eddie is at Steve's desk doing some schoolwork he has to catch up on in order to pass the school year. When Steve's eyes reach the last picture of the comic, he sighs dramatically and sets it next to him on the bed. He looks at the back of Eddie's head. His eyes trace the older's long locks, and a pout appears on his face. Although he loves Eddie's hair, he loves his face more.

"Eddiieee" Steve whines, as he scoots to the edge of his bed.

"Yeah?" Eddie responds without turning to look at the other's face.

Steve rolls his eyes, "Are you almost done? I'm very bored."

Eddie chuckles, "I'm not quite done. Why don't you go watch something in the living room? I rented a bunch of videos from the store."

Steve somehow pouts even more and stands up from his bed. Something comes over Steve, as he steps over to Eddie and lays his chin on the younger's head.

Eddie looks up at Steve and smiles, "Whatcha doing up there?"

Steve mumbles a response. Eddie chuckles again and grabs Steve's hand. He pulls Steve around his chair, "Sit down."

Steve looks into Eddie's big brown eyes. Eddie nods and Steve lifts his left leg over Eddie's lap. He sits down on Eddie's thighs, facing the older. Eddie pulls him in a bit close, so that Steve's head is resting on the other's shoulder.

"Better?" Eddie asks.

Steve doesn't respond, but Eddie can feel his head nodding on his shoulder.

*End of Flashback*

It was that day that they both realized their feelings for each other. Steve couldn't have been more excited to tell Robin about what happened that night. It was the next Friday, when Eddie asked Steve to be his boyfriend. Thus started Steve's relationship with The School Freak.  

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