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"Eddiieee!" Steve calls from the outside of Eddie's bedroom window in his uncle's trailer.

Eddie has been in his trailer for a few days now. He's been feeling introverted lately and has really stuck to himself. Steve understands this side of Eddie, so he lets him be alone for two days. If Eddie doesn't attempt to socialize after those two days, Steve will show up at his trailer.

"Eddie!" Steve calls again, as he knocks on the window.

Steve sighs. For some reason, he picked today to forget his set of trailer keys. He presses his face against the glass to see Eddie in a deep sleep on his bed. Steve thinks for a second before walking back to the trailer door. He leans down, lifts up the welcome mat and rolls his eyes when he finds no key. Steve sighs and throws a mini-tantrum on the steps of the trailer. He kicks his feet and sits down on the top step, when he is done. He sits in silence and tries to figure out a way to get inside. His mind goes all around the place, until he remembers a glorious little neighbor of Eddie's, Max Mayfield. Steve hops up from the stairs and skips over to Max's trailer. He knocks on the door a few times and waits for a response.

"What?" a grumpy Max blurts out, as she opens the door.

Steve smiles, "Hello!"

Max rolls her eyes, "What do you need?"

"I was just wondering, if you happened to know if Eddie has spare, hidden keys to his trailer. Or maybe if you knew a way to get into his trailer." Steve explains thoroughly.

Max scoffs, "Why would I know how to get into my neighbor's trailer?"

Steve raises his eyebrows.

"Fine, follow me." Max states, as he pushes past Steve.

She leads him to the back of Eddie's trailer, where she picks up a very specific tree branch lying on the ground. She flips the branch, so that it's sitting vertically in her fingers.  To Steve's surprise, a singular key falls out from the hollowed out tree branch.

"There you go." Max says, before tossing the stick back onto the ground, "Put it back, when you are done."

Steve doesn't muster up a response in the time it took Max to walk away, so he stands there silently. He turns on his heels and walks back to the old trailer's front door. He pushes the key into the lock and twists it a bit, until the door slowly swings open. Steve lets himself in. He is immediately met with the sound of quiet metal music playing. The music is obviously coming from Eddie's bedroom, so he creeps over to it. His eyes trace the sign on his boyfriend's door. It reads "NO ENTRY" in bold letters, but there is a piece of ripped notebook paper stuck underneath it that says, "Except Stevie." Steve smiles at that and knocks on the door. When he gets no response, he quietly pushes open the door. He finds Eddie still dead asleep on his bed, so he takes a seat on Eddie's desk. He moves around the trailer a bit and ends up in the living room, when Eddie awakens from his slumber. The long haired boy stumbles out of bed and tiredly walks out of his bedroom. He intends on getting a drink of water and some food, instead he is met with Steve Harrington lounging on his couch.

"Hi there, Sleeping Beauty." Steve says, when he notices Eddie's groggy presence.

Eddie roughly rubs his eyes, "What are you doing here, Stevie?"

The metalhead's deep, scratchy voice sends a tingle down Steve's spine, and he blushes, "I just, uh, thought I would check-in."

"I'm fine, Stevie." Eddie says, stumbling his way over to the couch.

Steve chuckles a bit and pulls Eddie down onto the couch. Steve was positioned so that his legs were on the couch and his back rested on the arm of the couch, so this made Eddie lay on the older's legs. His head comfortably rests on Steve's stomach, and Steve's starts playing with his long, fluffy hair.

"Baby, I know that you're not fine, and that is okay. It's natural to not always feel great." Steve begins in his calming mom voice, "And you can always let me know, so that I can come and take care of you."

Before he can go on, he's interrupted by loud snores. He looks down at Eddie's cute sleeping face and smiles. 

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