Fights With Jason

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 Eddie has been waiting for Steve to get home from work for a good hour or so. He had gotten to Steve's abandoned house after school let out at 3:40. It is currently 5:00 o'clock, and Eddie could not be anymore impatient. Steve worked during Eddie's school hours to not lose time with him, but the hour between the end of school and Steve's return was absolute torture for Eddie. That especially applies to today. Eddie had gotten into a fight with the school's star basketball player, Jason Carver, and he is so emotionally drained from it. Jason had harassed him for his DnD Club and, of course, for being known as the school gay. He was used to getting picked on by other students, but today, Jason really got under his skin. He had said something about Dustin Henderson, a puny nerd that Eddie had taken in as his own. He was quick to throw a punch the second the comment was made. Jason had pushed him to the ground, and his henchmen started kicking him. The fight only earned him a two day suspension and a searing pain coursing through his entire body. He is tired to say the least, and he is impatient for Steve to get home. He has called Steve about ten times in the past seven minutes, because the younger was supposed to have arrived around seven minutes ago. Steve has answered each call and said the same thing. Except for this eighth call.

"Are you almost done?" Eddie whines, the second Steve answers the call.

Steve audibly sighs, "Yes, we are locking up now."

"Hurry up." Eddie states.

"If you hang up, I will get there quicker. Because, in case you forgot, the telephone has a cord, so-" Steve says, before Eddie slams the telephone back onto the receiver and cuts him off.

Eddie huffs, as he walks over to the living room couch. He sits down and grunts at the new found pain in his abdomen. He leans on the back of the couch, as he lets his eyes drift shut. Well, one of his eyes. His right eye is swollen and already sealed shut from the final fist Jason threw at him.

About ten minutes later, Steve's car pulls up to the house. He casually gets out of his vehicle and dollies his way to the front door. A sigh escapes his lips, when he pushes down on the door handle and the door glides open. Eddie had forgotten to lock the door. He brushes that aside and enters the house. There was a disruptive silence ringing throughout the house. The only thing heard is the sound of Eddie's soft snores. Steve takes off his shoes, and he follows the snores to the living room. His attention is immediately caught by Eddie's swollen eye. By the looks of it, the sleepyhead hadn't iced it, so Steve went to the kitchen, grabbed an ice pack with a towel, and returned to the living room. He sat down next to Eddie and gently tapped him awake. The older groaned and reached his hand to rub his eyes, but he was stopped by Steve's hand wrapping around his wrist. He opens his left eye and sees Steve staring at him.

"Oh, you're back." Eddie tiredly exclaims.

"Eds, what happened to your eye?" Steve asks calmly, as he lets go of Eddie's wrist.

Eddie sighs, "I got into a fight with Jason."

Steve's eyebrows furrow at the mention of the basketball player's name.

"Here, we have to ice it." Steve says, bringing the ice pack up to Eddie's face.

The older flinches and moves his head, "Nope!"

"Eddie, you need to ice it, so that the swelling goes down." Steve begins, "Come on."

Eddie grumbles, but he lets Steve softly rest the ice pack on his eye. Eddie takes hold of the ice pack, and Steve immediately puts his cold hand into the pocket of his gray jacket.

He leans back on the couch and begins the conversation, "So, what happened?"

Eddie pouts, "He was just being cruel again. I couldn't handle it."

Steve turns to look at Eddie, and his heart hurts, when he sees a teardrop run down his face. He instinctively wraps his arms around Eddie, and the older rests his head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Eds. That's hard to deal with." Steve calmly states, "Jason is an asshole, but I really don't like you getting into fights."

"I know." Eddie quietly mumbles.

Steve sighs softly, "I'm not sure how to deal with Jason, but I think the best thing right now would be to keep your distance from him. Don't let him get under your skin."

Eddie nods his head, "I tried."

"I know, I know. It's really difficult, but you need to try to keep up with it. I don't want you getting hurt anymore. It's not good." Steve responds, his fingers playing with the fabric of Eddie's hoodie.

Eddie sniffles, and Steve pulls him closer.

"Do you want to get some food and go to bed?" Steve offers, knowing food and cuddles always cheers his boyfriend up.

Steve can feel Eddie nod on his chest. Steve carefully pulls Eddie off of him and says, "You go change into pajamas and get in bed. I will be right up with food, okay?"

Eddie nods his head, the ice pack still pressed on his right eye. He carefully gets up, through the pain coursing through his body. Steve and him go their separate ways, and they reunite 15 minutes later. Steve enters the room with a tray holding two bowls of leftover chicken noodle soup. A bag of popcorn is dangling underneath the right side of the tray. He carefully sets the tray on his nightstand and puts the popcorn bag next to it. He sits down on their bed next to Eddie, and they cuddle up with each other. They sit together for a minute or two, before they indulge themselves in soup, popcorn, and some candy they keep stashed away next to their bed. The rest of their night consists of cuddles, discussions, and kisses. 

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