Chapter 5

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'Angelica's Room'


-Angelica's POV-

"So, you heard him say this to Sister Navier?" I asked turning to my ladies-in-waiting Lady Diane Ashton, Countess Sylvia Ashton, and Lady Cecilia Whitely. Lady Diane nodded to me.

"Yes! I heard him say that you and Empress Navier are Rashta's love rival. The nerve he has to even say that about our beautiful Empress and our angelic lady!" Lady Diane said crossing her arms. "I agree with Lady Diane, Lady Rashta seems... difficult to work as a lady-in-waiting to." Countess Sylvia said as she picked up a brush and walked over to me brushing my hair.

Lady Cecilia walked over and said "Well I had overheard Rashta from her room while on my way here to see, Lady Angelica. She said that His Majesty will only love her once she gets rid of Empress Navier, then Lady Angelica." Lady Cecilia said looking at us. 

"Hm, what to do, what to do" I mumbled as I thought.

"Don't worry Lady Angelica, we will be by your side every time and we will make sure that Lady Rashta doesn't win" Lady Diane said smiling at me.

I smiled back "I thank you for y'all's support, You know why don't we have some fun? I want you girls to watch Rashta for me. If she does anything suspicious then report it back to me, okay?" I asked them, They looked at me smiling and bowed.

"Yes. My Lady, we will" They said in sync I smirked as my plan was in motion.

"Good. Let the games... Begin..." 


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-Navier's POV-

I was walking in the garden when I heard voices near my secret spot, I walked over to see Rashta and a lady-in-waiting of hers. "My goodness! It's quite all right! The Empress never comes at this time of day." The lady-in-waiting said as Rashta sat on my tree swing listening to the lady-in-waiting. "And it's not like she owns the entire West Palace. There's no reason you can't come here too, Lady Rashta." She said as I walked over and saw Rashta sitting in my chair.

"Y-Your Majesty! Oh no!" The lady-in-waiting said looking at me as Rashta turned to me.

"B-Big sister... I-I mean, Your Majesty" Rashta said getting up out of that chair as I looked at her "That chair... Is mine" I said in a cold tone. Rashta flinched at my cold tone and demeanor "Oh, um...! I-I...!" She stammered trying to find the right words I then glanced on the tree swing at my handkerchief "And that handkerchief you were lying on... Is also mine" I said glancing back up at Rashta. Rashta turned to see the handkerchief "I-I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I didn't know. I just happened to come across this chair, so I-" I cut Rashta off.

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