Chapter 26

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-In Navier's Room-


-Navier's POV-

I was in my nightgown getting ready for bed when Countess Eliza walked over to me "Your Majesty, Duchess Tuania is here to see you" Countess Eliza said as I turned to her 'At this hour?' I thought and nodded for Countess Eliza to let her inside, Countess Eliza walked over to the door and opened it as Duchess Tuania quickly stepped inside and over to me "Your Majesty...I know I shouldn't be asking this of you...But please spare Viscount Landre's life." Duchess Tuania said pleadingly as she sat beside me  and spoke again "The Viscount won't be able to get a trial, Your Majesty." I looked at her confused "What do you mean? Why not?  This wouldn't have anything to do with Rashta's pregnancy, would it?" I asked her making her nod. "It is indeed because she is pregnant with his child. I'm told His Majesty plans to treat this case as treason, citing the fact that his child was in danger." Duchess Tuania said looking down 'It's because he can execute the Viscount for certain that way. But he seemed annoyed when telling me about Rashta's pregnancy like he didn't want Rashta to be pregnant. Still...that unborn baby is his child and whether he is annoyed with Rashta being pregnant  or not, the unborn child could have been harmed.' I thought. Duchess Tuania sighed as she squeezed her dress "Viscount Landre is an honest man. He would never do such a thing for no reason simply because he lost his temper. I know that it's unforgivable to stab someone even if you're blinded by rage. But he should at least get a trial...So he can explain himself and the jury can take it into consideration!" She said covering her face as tears streamed down her cheeks while I looked down at her and patted her back "I was planning to talk to the Viscount anyway. I also think there's something that doesn't add up about this incident." I said making Duchess Tuania look up at me confused.

"I suspect that it was Rashta who tried to tarnish your reputation." I said surprising Duchess Tuania.

"Then are the rumors true?" She asked me.

I turned my head to the side "I'll need to ask the Viscount for the details." I said picking up my handkerchief and passing it over to Duchess Tuania as the tears kept running down her face "I can't go and see the Viscount right now as His Majesty is interrogating him, but I  imagine that the interrogation will be over soon, since he doesn't plan to let him have a trial. I'll go and see him after the interrogation is over, so don't worry." I said as Duchess Tuania smiled and took the handkerchief "Thank you. Thank you, Your Majesty." She said holding onto the handkerchief and turned to me "May I hold on to this handkerchief?" She asked and I nodded. "Even if Viscount Landre cannot be saved, I will make sure to repay you one day for showing me this kindness." She said as I shook my head and looked up at her "No, there's no need to thank me. This is not a debt that needs to be repaid" I said making Duchess Tuania shake her head "No, it means a lot to me that...You are helping me in my hour of need. May I embrace you, Your Majesty" Duchess Tuania asked and I nodded she pulled me into a hug and patted my back softly gaining my attention, soon she let go of the hug smiled at me as she stood up curtsying to me, and walked out the room leaving me with my thoughts.

-In The Morning-


-In The Prison Tower-


-Third Person POV-

' "His Majesty the Emperor sentenced  Viscount Landre to death." ' Navier thought as she walked over to the prison cell he was kept in, soon Navier approached the cell gaining Viscount Landre's attention as he stumbled over to her "Please accept my sincere apologies, Your Majesty. I know I should bow to Your Majesty, but I'm having trouble getting up" He said looking up at her as she shook her head "It's fine" Navier said 'Why is he smiling?' Navier thought as he continued to speak "Have the people heard about what that woman did to the Duchess? I kept shouting it on purpose as I was getting arrested. I yelled as loudly as I could so that everyone would hear the truth." He said as Navier stared at him 'That's why he kept shouting at Rashta even while he was being dragged away...' She thought. "Now that I think about it, it was a very foolish thing to do. I should have shared all the information that  I had gathered instead of going to see her. But I lost my temper when I saw her trying to weasel her way out of it..." He said looking down "I'm afraid your story has been buried by even bigger news." Navier said making him flinch surprised "It has!? How could that have happened when it was about the Duchess?!" He asked "It's because news has spread that Rashta is pregnant. Viscount, you will be executed without a trial." Navier said as Viscount Landre was freaking out. "Look at me. Viscount Landre." Navier said gaining his attention and making him look up at her as she bent down to his level and spoke to him "If I thought you were going to die, I wouldn't have told you any of this. Do you understand what I am getting at?" Viscount Landre looked up at her "Are you saying there is a way to save me? Are you...Possibly considering exercising your right to grant an Imperial pardon? As the Empress I have heard you can grant this pardon up to three times?" He asked making Navier nod "It's something like that. Now what I need you to do is tell me exactly what happened." Navier said, "I already told His Majesty, but to no avail." He said.

"Just tell me what happened." Navier said.

"While I was tracking down the source of the groundless rumor about the Duchess...I found myself in the village near the temple where Lord Marius took his own life many years ago. The rumor about the Duchess and Lord Marius was the talk of the entire village. By asking around, I managed to trace back the rumor to several people who had first brought it up. When I spoke to them, they all said exactly the same thing as if they were all reading from the same script. Something didn't feel right about this. Even the truth can get distorted when It's passed on from one person to another. But everyone was saying the exact same thing. And it was about something that happened long ago, at that." He said as Navier took note of his words "What did you do next?" She asked as he spoke again.

"I asked each person a couple of trick questions. As I expected, they all started saying different things once they didn't have the set answer to fall back on. But that wasn't enough for me to figure out who the mastermind was behind all this. So I showed them some portraits of High-Ranking socialities who had been most active in High Society lately, and asked the villagers to point out the person that paid them off. It turned out to be Viscount Lotteshu. And that woman was the one who told him to do it" He said as Navier looked somewhat confused/surprised "Why do you think it was Rashta?" She asked "Before Viscount Lotteshu became associated with that woman, he wasn't accepted by other nobles. But he started becoming better-known thanks to his connection with that woman. And now he spends lavishly even though he's poor" Viscount Landre said.

"Do you have a report or some document that contains all the relevant details? If so where is it?" Navier asked making him nod "It's in one of the drawers in my study. But why do you need the report?" He asked curious "Duchess Tuania asked me to save you." Navier said making him quickly move to the front of the cell bars grabbing them "H-How is she?! Please tell me if my actions ended up making her even more upset!" He asked quickly 'His love for her is so strong that he feels concerned for her wellbeing even though his own life is at stake.' Navier thought as she stood up looking at him "I can't clear your name...But I can commute your sentence so you will be banished instead." Navier said.

"I'm grateful that you would even try-" Navier cut him off "I can guarantee it. You should tell me now if you need any items from your house. I'll be sure to pass it on to your butler." Navier said walking away as Lady Artina walked over to her and Navier told her to get the documents from Viscount Landre's house out of his study room Lady Artina nodded and went to go get it as Navier walked back to her room 'Viscount Landre seemed determined to tell me...Why?' Navier thought as her mind went to Angelica 'Angelica and Viscount Landre have a sibling relationship...But she would never want to kill Rashta. Maybe I'm taking this way too over my head.' Navier thought.

' Navier thought

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