Chapter 35

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-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-


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-In The Small Ballroom/ Hallway/Duke Ergi's Room-


-Third Person POV-

'After Rashta's condition improved, Sovieshu hosted a party to cheer me up since Rashta forced him to be with her while she recovered. Rashta decided to join as well. Although it was meant to be small, quite a number of people came...As it was a party hosted by the Imperial Family and you didn't need an invitation to attend.' Angelica thought as she sat down next to Rashta talking to some nobles Diane and Cecilia stood next to her on the couch while Rashta was conversing with some nobles "This young lady recently moved to the capital from a provincial area far away." A noblewoman said as a young lady Rashta recognized easily walked in front of her "She's such fun and excellent company, so I really wanted to introduce her to you." The Noblewoman said pointing to the girl as Rashta's eyes widened 'Lebetti?!' Rashta thought. Angelica looked over and saw the scene going on but chose to ignore it knowing her Ladies-In-Waiting were listening in for her and would inform her soon "It's nice to meet you." Rashta said with a nervous smile as Lebetti smirked at her which made Rashta bite her lip in anger, Alan quickly went over grabbing Lebetti's hand and taking her away as she complained while being taken away for a 'family emergency' which made Angelica not believe that for a second, soon the nobles talking to her left "Diane, who were those two?" Angelica asked as Diane looked down at her. "That was Lady Lebetti Rimwell and Sir Alan Rimwell. The son and daughter of Viscount Lotteshu. And Alan Rimwell is the father of Rashta's first-born son." Diane said as Cecilia covered her mouth with a giggle as she watched Rashta get up and leave the ballroom "Looks like Lady Lebetti doesn't like Rashta very much. We could use that to our advantage, My Lady." Cecilia said making Angelica nod as she stood up "My shadow will listen to them and on Duke Ergi and Rashta's conversation." Angelica said as her shadow followed Rashta secretly.

Rashta opened a door and she peeked around before closing the door and quickly walked away 'How could she make me face Lebetti on purpose and act like nothing was wrong?' Rashta thought and as she was walking she spotted Alan standing in the hallway waiting for her, once he spotted her he walked over to her making her stop and flinch back "Rashta. Father told me that I should pretend not to know you, but I thought I should at least tell you about Ian." Alan said making Rashta confused at the name 'Ian?' Rashta thought and remembered that was her son's name.

Rashta glared at him and quickly covered Alan's mouth surprising him at this action"Are you trying to blackmail me right now?!" Rashta asked quickly as Alan removed her hands from his face shaking his head "It's not like that." He said Rashta looked up at him "You're telling me this even though you know that I'm His Majesty's Mistress. But you still want to pretend you're not blackmailing me?" Rashta asked in an annoyed tone "I heard that you bought a mansion in the capital for Ian." Alan said. 'So that's what Viscount Lotteshu told him? Well, I suppose he didn't want to tell his children that he blackmailed me to get it.' Rashta thought as she crossed her arms and looked at Alan unamused "So?" Rashta said in a sassy tone as Alan looked down at the ground with guilt "I'm sorry for what I did. I was just too scared back then. You had nothing to lose, but that wasn't the case for me. To throw everything away and choose you was-" Alan said facing Rashta again, but she cut him off from speaking. Rashta turned her body away from him closing her eyes "I don't want to talk about the past." She said and opened her eyes turning to him and giving him a smirk "I also have a lot to lose now. I'm sure you understand since you felt the same way before. You said your Father told you that you should pretend not to know me. Do as he says. And tell that rude sister of yours to behave herself." Rashta said and walked past Alan who looked down filled with guilt, Rashta clenched her hands together as she could hear her heart beating so fast.

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