Chapter 23

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-Four Days Later-


-In Navier's Room-


-Navier POV-

' "There were so many noblewomen and ladies who asked about your dress that It's difficult to identify the person who leaked the information, Your Majesty." I suppose it makes sense, as people would want to avoid getting the same gown.' I thought as Laura busted into my room shocking both me and Countess Eliza "Your Majesty! Have you heard what happened?! It's really big news!" She yelled running in front of me and flopping on the ground on her knees.

Countess Eliza quickly went over to us "Laura, I told you not to run in front of Her Majesty as it makes you look unladylike." Countess Eliza said in a stern tone as I looked down at Laura "What could be so important that you needed to tell me this urgently?" I asked trying to figure out what was so important as Laura panted trying to catch her breath "It's about Duchess Tuania" She said. Countess Joubert soon walked over as Laura began to tell us what happened "Duke Tuania...Told her that he wanted a divorce. Apparently, people heard him yelling about how he was suspicious that their son was actually his brother's heir, and that he couldn't help but feel suspicious because of how she usually acts. He also took issue with how she got into a fight with another woman over Duke Egri. He said that there must have been something going on between her and Duke Egri, or she wouldn't have ended up getting into an altercation over him." Laura said.

"Somebody apparently once asked Duke Tuania's Father if he minded whether his grandson might actually be Lord Marius's child. He said that it didn't matter to him because the child would still be his grandson either way. They said that the Duchess got pregnant after just one night of passion before she married the Duke. But she hasn't been able to conceive following her marriage." One Noble Lady said as others nodded "This all does seem rather strange." A second Noble Lady said. "The Duke can't even trust the paternity tests conducted by the temple, so I understand why he might feel frustrated." The Noble Lady said as I looked down 'The temple's paternity test lost credibility after an incident in which two twin brothers were both named as the Fathers of a baby 35 years ago. But It's been ten years since all that happened and It was all swept under the rug...Why is he filing for a divorce now?' I thought as I remembered the events with Rashta, Duchess Tuania, and Duke Tuania. "Could it...Have something to do with Rashta?" I mumbled and this caught Countess Joubert's attention as she turned her gaze to me "Rashta?" Countess Joubert said uncertainly as I looked at them "How did the Duchess respond, Laura?" I asked and Laura spoke "She said she would never agree to a divorce. They might even end up going to court over it." I turned to Countess Eliza "Find out why the Duke suddenly wants a divorce." I said and she nodded "Yes, Your Majesty." Countess Eliza said.

'If this is something that Rashta planned...Then I can't just let her get away with it like before. Because that means...That Rashta is now able to manipulate High Society.' I thought.


-In Angelica's room-


-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-

-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-

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