Chapter 33

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-Angelica's Dress, Hairstyle and Accessories-


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-Third Person POV-

Angelica, Kosair, and Marquess Falhan were walking around the palace outside and Cecilia and Diane walked behind them a few feet away to give them some time to be together "Did you have a relaxing time at home? It's nice to be back after all that time, isn't it?" Angelica asked Kosair who was walking next to her, usually Navier would walk with them but she was super busy with work and said that Angelica and Kosair deserve some sibling bonding time together "Yeah. It's nice and relaxing." Kosair said facing Angelica as they continued to walk around.

"Me and Navier will come over to visit when we can." Angelica said making Kosair look at her amused "What do you mean, "visit?" It's ya'lls home too." Kosair said making Angelica chuckle and turn to Marquess Falhan "How have you been, Marquess Falhan? How is everything?" She asked, "I'm afraid I've had to tell him off more than ever lately. This is all because of My Lady and Her Majesty's brother." Marquess Falhan said making Kosair turn to him with a glare and Angelica covered her mouth with a snicker "I'm glad you two are still close. It's good to see." She said. "Kosair is lacking in many things, but the one thing he has going for him is that he's blessed by the people around him. For example, I'm a great friend and My Lady and Her Majesty are great sisters." Marquess Falhan said as they continued to walk Angelica spotted Rashta sitting down which made her freeze and stop walking gaining Kosair's attention "Angelica?" Kosair called out to her which gained Rashta's attention making her get up and walk over to them "My Lady." Rashta said curtsy down in front of Angelica and standing up.

"I heard that the sword you gave me has a really awful meaning behind it." Rashta said making Kosair filled with rage.

Angelica looked at her before shaking her head as Kosair glared at Rashta from behind Angelica "I don't think the meaning is bad as long as you aren't greedy." Angelica said making Rashta flinch at that comment "No, it's awful regardless of whether I am greedy or not. Plus, you mocked me in front of everyone." Rashta said and soon went into her innocent act "But I decided to turn the other cheek. I'm going to keep taking the high road no matter how must you or Her Majesty belittle me or look down on me." Rashat said making Aneglica roll her eyes. "Nor me or Navier look down on you. I just told you the truth. It seems you hold yourself in very high regard." Angelica said crossing her arms "I'm the woman His Majesty 'loves'. So if I don't hold myself in high regard, then that's an insult to His Majesty." Rashta said and Angelica smirked "Are you saying that you only have value while you're 'loved' by the Emperor?" Angelica asked in a cocky tone. Rashta flinched and looked at her annoyed and she turned her head away "I'm going to ignore your insults no matter what you say. I don't want to fight with you or Her Majesty for the sake of my future children." Rashta said and Angelica knew what she had to do next and it was following the events but with a twist "What do you mean?" Angelica asked and Rashta faced her before looking around not seeing Navier "Well His Majesty said that It's very likely that Her Majesty is infertile..." Once Rashta said this Kosair was in a full brown rage and quickly walked over to Rashta.

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