Chapter Five

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Bryce James~ 4 weeks Pregnant

Bryce is now 4 weeks pregnant and he was sitting on the bench as Chloe sat down with him. "Hey sista, what's up?" "Hey there Chloe," Bryce smiled. "So how's everything going?" "It's been alright. Although, I can't help but think that I have been going into a fight with the boy," "Dude! You know that guy that made fun of you got a taste of his own medicine," Chloe said laughing. "You're right," He said. "But at least his parents knew what was going on and they decided to condemn their son's actions," "Oh wow! It's a good thing that his parents stood up for you. Unlike the other parents who think it's okay to bully someone else because they've been going through tough situations," Bryce agreed what his best friend said.

Chloe: anyways, we can leave this behind.

Bryce James: yep.

Since Bryce found out he was pregnant, he started thinking about the things that he used to do right before something unexpected had happened and the world had turned upside down when Bryce became pregnant at 16. "I used to think that I was the type of person who would seem to do things like this," Bryce explained to his best friend. "It was the best feeling ever when it comes to me enjoying my childhood and the freedom that I have before because I really missed being the little Bryce that I was. Especially when my dad played for Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat, then back to Cleveland and then Los Angeles Lakers. Now that I'm the present day me and a mother to be, it's just sad because I'm going to miss the old Bryce James that I was. The old Bryce James who wasn't expecting a baby and then being the kid, it's just so hard," Bryce was wiping the tears on his face. "I mean what will it be if the NBA draft is on the way and what will it affect my future of becoming an NBA player if I become pregnant again?" Chloe felt like crying when her best friend was expecting a baby at his teenage years. "I know how you feel Bryce, my sister dealt with the same thing as you and she was pregnant at 16 as well. I was surprised because I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal,"

"It's all my fault Chloe, I didn't know what to do," "Hey it's okay Bryce, it wasn't your fault that you didn't know any better. Not only that, it wasn't your fault that you got pregnant," Chloe said comforting her best friend. "I know how you feel about missing the old you, but the thing is you can still be a kid even though you're expecting a baby," "Oh Chloe," Bryce laughs. "You made me feel like a kid again haha," "Of course! Besides, Auntie Savannah is going to help you with the motherhood," "I know," Bryce told his best friend. "You're like a sister to me," "That's right!" She was always there to support him when LeBron and Savannah knew anything about Bryce's pregnancy. LeBron and Savannah were both surprised and disappointed at first because they knew that he was very young to be a mother. He knew couple of friends that were pregnant at 15. However, it didn't take long for him to realize his dad had known about his son's pregnancy.

Chloe: so your dad LeBron knew about you being pregnant?

Bryce James: well yeah and I know that it was like a fluke, but it wasn't, I had an unplanned pregnancy because I did something stupid like having an unprotected S.

Chloe: Wow. I didn't know you had to endure those kinds of situations like that.

Bryce James: I know and I didn't think it would happen so quickly. Otherwise it was deemed too overwhelming.

Chloe: you got the point.

Bryce James: However, I don't wish this on anybody.

Chloe: I understand. You do what you have to do

Bryce James: Yep.

Chloe: that is why you chose to make amends and make sense of what had happened right before the doctor confirmed that you were pregnant.

Bryce James: right but that being said I was too blind to see what was happening and that is why I have had some fallouts at school.

Chloe: I see.

Bryce James: I felt so bad that I didn't know and I'm sorry.

Chloe: Don't worry at all Bryce.

Bryce James: I know but I find it ironic that it was something that I didn't know about.

Chloe: It's okay.

After having a conversation with his best friend,

He went straight to the room to lay down as Bronny comes in to figure out what was going on. Perhaps, Bryce told him that it was fine because he knew why he wasn't feeling like himself since the unplanned pregnancy, but he explained to him directly to Bronny that it was something that had to be talked about. Of course unplanned pregnancy happens in those first times and Bryce had to take accountability for his own actions.

Bronny James: well you're not a bad person Bryce, you were in a bad situation and you didn't know better.

Bryce James: I know.

Bronny James: Anyways, you have a doctors appointment tomorrow and Mom will taking you to the clinic for the prenatal checkup.

Bryce James: Okay.

Bryce James POV:

I have the prenatal checkup coming up and I am looking forward to it. Although, they were planning to ask me if I am going to do C-Section and Normal Delivery. I made it clear that I'll be doing a normal delivery (pushing.) so that me and my baby will have a great chances to get my body to be prepared for childbirth.

He went to the doctor's appointment the next day, but was advised not to overwork himself since it was not good for him and the baby. However, with the unplanned pregnancy thing starting to escalate, Savannah saw Bryce crying in the room.

Savannah James: Bryce, what's the matter?

Bryce James: oh it's nothing Mom, I just feel like a total mess.

Savannah James: It's okay Bryce, you can talk to me. What's going on?

Bryce James: I didn't know any better because I got pregnant.

His mother hugged him.

Bryce James: if I didn't have NyGel, this wouldn't have happened?

Savannah James: I know honey, just try to relax for now okay?

Bryce James: Okay Mom.

LeBron came to the room and hugged his son. "Everything will be alright Bryce, just don't think too much about it," He nodded and took a nap.

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