Chapter Ten

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*Bryce James POV: Beach trip with Chloe*
Santa Monica, Beach

Bryce was napping on the beach towel while he was relaxing at the beach with Chloe. In fact, Chloe had suggested for Bryce to clear his mind off of things after his breakup with his boyfriend, but she knew that it was for the best. Bryce had been exhausted after shopping some items for the baby with his parents and siblings. Chloe was munching on the Doritos chips while he is napping and she went to him.

Chloe: sis? Sis?

Bryce James: yes?

Chloe: So Bryce, I found a blog post about the lady who got pregnant at 13 and yet, she had been dealing with the same thing as you.

Bryce James: Oh wow really?

Chloe: Yep.

Bryce James: so she was 8 months pregnant then?

Chloe: Yeah.

Bryce James: I see.

Chloe: Anyways, I know for a fact that you had been into the teen pregnancy category and I was surprised because I didn't know what was happening?

Bryce James: It's okay, It got to the point that everything was going haywire. I mean I had to do an online class because I didn't want to see the boy who had bullied me.

Chloe: I know, I didn't want to see that person either.

Later on, the students who were attending the school with Bryce and Chloe came here to see Bryce and asked how everything was going. "Everything went great," Bryce said. "I'm glad you guys came here," Yet, the students who had witnessed Bryce and the Bully were getting into a fight came to voice their support for Bryce James and Chloe. "I know that you guys were not at school, but we wanted to tell you that what this boy did to bully you because you were pregnant was unacceptable and we have no respect for what this person did to you," "Oh my goodness! You had no idea what it means to me," Bryce became surprised knowing that the students were there to support him and Bryce. One person can relate to Bryce and it was the lady.

Girl student: I had a brother that got pregnant at age 14 and I know what it was like to be in your shoes

Boy student: My sister was on the page as you.

It got to the point where the students had acknowledged about Bryce's pregnancy. Yet, they were very supportive. Although, the girl asked if LeBron knew anything about Bryce when he found out he was pregnant.

Girl: did your dad know anything about your pregnancy?

Bryce James: yes and he was shocked.

Girl: Wow.

Bryce James: I didn't think I would be dealing with this kind of stuff.

Girl: well you know if there's anything we could do, we will make sure everything will be alright.

Somehow, they were asking what was happening between Bryce and his boyfriend. Bryce had confirmed to the group of students that he broke up with Nygel knowing that he was the biological brother of the bully that made fun of him. At least it was a relief for Bryce because he didn't have to put up with Nygel's attitude or even the way that he wasn't there when he needed him. Although, someone was wondering if Bryce and Nygel would get back for the sake of their unborn child. After the students who had witnessed Bryce and the bully getting into an altercation, he realized how difficult it was when someone had known that he was expecting a baby. Well it was an unplanned pregnancy because Bryce didn't know any better and was afraid to tell his parents about it. At that moment, Bryce explained how LeBron knew that his son got pregnant at 16 and now he will have to deal with the consequences that he has.

Bryce James: my dad got mad at me after I told him that I was pregnant.

Chloe: How come?

Bryce James: I don't know because I didn't want to go through the whole process with these ideologies you know?

Chloe: I understand what you're going through Bryce. I'm sorry you had to go through those things.

Bryce James: that's okay sister, I understand. At least my grandma and my mom knew what was going on, so yeah.

Chloe: Okay, and remember that your dad loves you, even though he gets paranoid sometimes.

Bryce James: Oh sister! 😂

Chloe: Right???? It's okay sis, don't think that you're a bad person because you know you're going to be a mom.

Bryce James: yep.

Bryce James POV:

I had a great laugh with my best friend Chloe when we were discussing about the teen pregnancy and other issues. Although, I hope that my dad can be able to accommodate the situation and yes he's a great dad and I wanted him to be a grandfather to my unborn child.

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