Chapter Seven

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*Dwyane Wade comes to visit*

Los Angeles, California

The doorbell rings as the person who was standing by with the bags were here at the front of the door. "Chloe, good morning! What's going on?" Bryce asked. "Good morning sister! I heard you asked me to spend the night at your house, so is it okay if I can stay here with you for 5 days?" Chloe wondered. "Sure! Go for it Sister!" Bryce lets her enter the house as Bronny puts her stuff upstairs in Bryce's bedroom.

Gloria: is that your best friend?

Bryce James: Yes grandma. Actually, her name is Chloe.

Chloe: Hi Mrs. James.

Gloria: Hi Chloe, I'm Gloria James, nice to meet you.

Savannah James: you must be Chloe, I'm Savannah, Bryce's mom.

LeBron James: LeBron.

Bronny James: Bronny.

Zhuri James: Hi Chloe I'm Zhuri.

Chloe: Nice to meet you all. I heard Dwyane Wade is coming over, is that correct?

Bryce James: yes.

Chloe: You know him?

Bryce James: yeah since I was little. Apparently, my dad and Uncle Dwyane were both teammates for Miami Heat.

Chloe: Oh wow.

Bryce James: Surprise, surprise, I only come up with something because me, Zhuri and Bronny were there watching Dad and uncle play together and my mom was watching the game as well.

Chloe: oh yeah, small world huh?

Bryce James: yeah and if that's the case, we'll be staying in the room for the night.

Chloe: I see.

Next, Dwyane Wade comes to the James residence where he sees LeBron and the siblings to come for the visit. Yet, Bryce was surprised to see Dwyane and said. "Hi Uncle Dwyane, how are you?" "Doing good so far, how about you?" "I'm doing great," Bryce replied.

Dwyane Wade: that's amazing! The last time I saw you was that you, Zaire, Zaya and the kids when had so much fun.

Bryce James: I know.

However, Dwyane was surprised that he was noticing the changes on Bryce's body. Wait! Did Dwyane Wade found out Bryce was pregnant?

Bryce James: Uncle? Uncle? What's going on?

Dwyane Wade: you're pregnant right?

Bryce was confused when Dwyane Wade had found out about the pregnancy. Everything fell silent when he knew anything about what was going on. One thing for sure, Bryce didn't expect any outcome coming from someone who had known when they were kids. Well to be honest, he didn't think it was something else that could go on the verge knowing the person that they knew when they were kids was expecting a baby. Aside from that, Bryce confirmed to Dwyane Wade that he was pregnant.

Bryce James: Yes uncle, it's true. I'm pregnant.

Zaya, Zaire and Gabrielle were in shock when they heard about Bryce's pregnancy. They knew him since he was a little boy, but at this time, Bryce knew he was feeling like a different person and wasn't the same Bryce James like he used to.

Chloe overheard the conversation that Dwyane Wade was having when he had found out that Bryce was carrying the unborn child in his womb.

Chloe: Bryce? Bryce? It's alright.

Bryce James: I know.

LeBron James went to Bryce and tells him about what was happening and yet, it was a shocker because he knew that he would be a great mother to the baby. "I'm sorry that it happened, I didn't know what was going on," Dwyane Wade understood what was going on and said that it was alright because he wanted to make sure that Bryce was being taken care of. After Dwyane found out that Bryce was pregnant, he went to talk things out with LeBron along with Gabrielle while Chloe hangs out with Bryce James along with Zaire, Zaya, Zhuri and Bronny as Dwyane and Gabrielle were having a catch up conversation with LeBron and Savannah.

Zaya: you must be Bryce's best friend.

Chloe: Yep.

Zaya: I'm Zaya Wade.

Zaire Wade: I'm Zaire

Chloe: Chloe, nice to meet you.

Zaya: you were like Bryce's second sister.

Chloe: I know that's what I called him.

Zaya: So what's up with Bryce?

Chloe: actually, he's pregnant.

Zaya: Oh my.

Chloe: I don't know how this happened but he told me that he and his boyfriend spent the night at the house.

Bryce James: that's why I told Chloe about everything when I told her that I was pregnant.

Chloe: Yep.

Zaya: Yeah I can't believe he would do this to you. Have you spoken to him?

Bryce James: No sis I haven't.

Zaya: Okay.

Most parts was that Dwyane Wade and his wife can help around if it worse comes to worse when Bryce James goes in labor by the time he reaches to his 9 months of pregnancy.

Bryce James POV:

I know for a fact that Uncle Dwyane was understanding, but I think it was starting to become more clear that I was pregnant and he knew. Although, I was wondering if I can talk to my boyfriend about it because I wanted him to hear the side of the story. I hope Nygel doesn't mind that he is my baby's father, but if he's not supportive of my pregnancy and baby, then that's not the boyfriend that I would want to date. Do you think Nygel would be happy if I tell him?

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