Chapter Twenty

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

Chapter Twenty: At Mount Weather


Very little sleep was had by the council. We spent most of the night planning. We also conferenced in the council from the Ark to brainstorm ideas how to bring down the two mad men at the Drop Ship. But, those ideas were moot until we got information from Emmett, Tyler, and Commander Blake.

They had not been in contact in almost two days.

"My eyes are crossing," Rose said, rubbing her face. "I need to sleep ... hell, I need to eat and shower. I can smell myself and I'm disgusting." Looking at me, she gave me a grimace. "And, Edward, you're looking rough."

"I know, I know," I said, rubbing my scruffy face with a yawn. "Let's reconvene tomorrow morning."

"It is tomorrow morning," Jasper mumbled into his arms. "How about the afternoon? I need to check on my crops."

"Okay, okay," I huffed. "We can't do much more until we hear from the scouts. Once we hear back from Emmett and his team, we'll meet to discuss." I dismissed them. They left the conference room, leaving me inside. I looked at where I slept the night before and considered doing a repeat performance.

"You need to eat, shower, and shave," Renee admonished, giving me a rueful smile.

"I can't go back to our suite, Renee," I frowned. "It's our place and being there without Bella ... it's a blatant reminder that she's not here."

"Come up to my suite. Like you, I'm dealing with not having my husband with me. But, you're taking the couch, kiddo. You're young," Renee said, holding out her hand. I took it, and she pulled me to my feet. Tugging me into a hug, she whispered in my ear. "We're going to get her, Edward."

"I hope so, Renee," I whispered back. "But, at what cost? Will she ...?"

"She might be, but with our love and support, we'll get her back," Renee said. "I didn't raise my daughter to be a pushover. She's strong in so many ways. As are you, Edward. Now, every body has its breaking point. You're at yours. Let's get you something to eat."

I nodded, allowing myself to be guided out of the conference room. We went up to the dining room and ate some breakfast. I forced it down my throat, not tasting the food. I vaguely heard comments of concern and prayers of Bella's safe return. I nodded, saying thank you but not really caring about their concerns. They weren't Bella.

After finishing our meal, I stopped by my suite to get some clean clothes. I rushed through the space, not wanting to linger too long inside. Renee looped her arm through mine and led me to her suite. She all but pushed me into the bathroom to shower. I scrubbed my body and got out of the shower. Drying off, I got dressed in a pair of pants and t-shirt. Renee was making a bed for me on the couch. "Get some rest, Edward."

"I'll try," I muttered, sitting on the couch, and giving her a half-hearted smile. "I'm sorry if I wake you up with nightmares."

"We'll get through it, Edward," she said, ruffling my wet hair. "Get some sleep." I lay back on the couch and Renee covered me with a blanket. "We'll get her back." She gave me a motherly kiss to my forehead, getting up and walking to her bedroom. I curled up, allowing the quiet hum of the air filtration system along with the water from Renee's shower lull me to sleep.

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