Ch. 2: Middle School Meets Raging White Fire

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*Lincoln steps into the School with a Death Stare, He steps ahead with no fear in his veins and holds Lily close*

Clyde: Hey Buddy... Y-you okay? Are.. you alright?

Lincoln: *exhale* No.... I blew up every bit of my anger on my sister's for treating me unfairly, I couldn't keep it held in anymore... I landed Lori, Luna, and Lynn Jr in the hospital...

Clyde: Wha-!? *Clyde was shocked* To Land Lynn Jr in the Hospital, I have a Fair feeling she deserved it; But to land "Lori?" We are talking about the sister of yours that makes "Human Pretzel" Threats.

Lincoln: Believe me, Clyde? I am just as shocked as you are...

Clyde: Not to mention, Luna... She was one of the closer sisters to you... You landed "her" in the hospital??

Lincoln: I did... but right now I need space, So I don't land anymore people in the hospital.

Clyde: You're Right, I'm sorry... sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me and I don't think before I act... But Is it okay if I hug you in case if this takes a while?

Lincoln: That's fine.

*Clyde hugs Lincoln as he returns it*

Lincoln: Thanks man... You're alright.

Clyde: I know it isn't easy; But you are gonna get through this... I don't have to ask how, "However" you are gonna get through it; It's up to you.

Lincoln: Thanks; We might need to get to class.

Clyde: Alright; I'm praying for you.

Lincoln: Thanks Again.

*Lincoln continues to walk to his class; Clyde was schedule an appointment for him with Dr. Lopez; but he is gonna hold off on that until he learns more*

*Lincoln sits down in his chair as Mr. bolhofner starts class*

Mr. Bolhofner: Okay class, Butts in seats; we got some learning to do today...

*Chandler was trying to annoy Lincoln by shooting spitballs but all of the sudden Lincoln somehow has a sixth sense because he was dodging every other spitball being spat at him*

Mr. Bolhofner: Excuse Me, Loud, What's with the "I like to move it! move it!" *Lincoln points to his left, And Chandler was trying to hide his pea shooter and spitballs but they spill all over his seat*

Chandler: DAGNABBIT!! That took me 12 full cups of my spit to make those spitballs!!

*The rest of the class just groaned in disgust*

Mr. Bolhofner: You're going to see me after class, "McCann" and better yet you are going to live with your own mess until class is over! Anyway Class, Have your attention to the board now...

*Lincoln was minding his business and following along on the assignment that was until... Lincoln was following along and writing down stuff at amazing speed, what made his intelligence boost*

*The bell Rings*

Mr. Bolhofner: Okay, Class don't forget to do your homework tonight; *Sees Lincoln handing in his assignment* OOP. *He sees it completely filled out* Loud, After I deal with McCann I need to have a word with you.

Lincoln: Yes Sir.

*15 Minutes Later*

Mr. Bolhofner: Alright, Lincoln... As far as your class time here today you were dodging spitballs which put "McCann" in his own mess; you were following along on the assignment at double speed and intellegence without Doubt; and not a word is said from you... So I need to ask; is everything alright back at your home?

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