Ch. 4: Santiago Clarification

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*Lincoln without second opinion places his bag down and sits down on the couch with a smile on his face; Confusing Both Dr. Santiago and His Mother*

Lincoln: Let's hear it.

Rita: Al-right then?

Dr. Santiago: We need to talk about your Over Exaggerated response at My Daughter's Prank.

Lincoln: Over Exaggeration??

Dr. Santiago: It is not the best idea to bring a Handheld into School...

Lincoln: I don't disagree, I don't even know how it ended up in my backpack anyway.

Dr. Santiago: The other thing is you mentioned you wish you hadn't known my daughter existed or had been friends with her??

Lincoln: That can be exaggerated...

Dr. Santiago: You Think?? That seems like a Big stretch.

Rita: This isn't funny, Son.

Lincoln: Who said I was laughing!? *Gave a serious look at his mom who was not entirely shocked*

Rita: *sigh* First, That tone was disrespectful; Second, I retract my previous statement due to you saying you weren't laughing.

Lincoln: Sorry for my tone, please Continue.

Dr. Santiago: Lincoln, Could there have been another way for you to comply with my daughter without "accidentally" pointing a pistol at her and reversing her prank?

Lincoln: *exhale* Mrs. Santiago; I am not calling you a liar but from my experience she has pranked me over and over before we actually meet Eachother; and then my sister's gave me some terrible advice that she was doing those pranks because she was trying to do it for love... So they wanted me to kiss her which resulted in me getting a black eye; and I snapped at them, but then after that things between me and Ronnie anne we're pretty much chaotic good... But it wasn't the healthiest relationship out there for me.

Dr. Santiago: Judging from your tone, I could tell you were not lying; and I guess I do find it pretty respectable that you shared your view of relationship with my daughter.

Lincoln: if I may ask... Where did she get this "pranking" idea?

Dr. Santiago: I would do some searching on that; other than what you're asking me... I have no idea either.

Lincoln: Could some of it be something that she picked up on her own and it helped her feel better from there?

Dr. Santiago: Again, I have no idea.

Lincoln: Well, One, I'm glad I got to share my view of Ronnie Anne with you; Two, Honestly I've actually grown anoint of her pranks; Three, I am terribly sorry I over exaggerated and pointed a pistol at your daughter... Again, I seriously do not know how that ended up in my backpack; And Four, I got suspended for 3 weeks... And I am to be under the guidance of a personal counselor... Hopefully Ronnie Anne gets enough revenge on me because of this...

Dr. Santiago: Me too, Apology accepted; and I don't think my daughter would rather crave revenge on you... If she would; then she will be grounded, I don't know how long; depending on the revenge.

Lincoln: I understand.

Dr. Santiago: Look Lincoln, I'm sorry if things have been going downhill for you because of your sisters, and my daughter having an unhealthy relationship with you... But what you do need to know is that everything happens for a reason. So don't let your past become your trigger; Anger has not ever been The brightest of solutions... And it would break my heart to see you clinging to Anger and Hate in the future; or worse... Become the bully...

Lincoln: yeah... *sniff* Thanks Ma'am... You're okay. *Lincoln sulks as softly moves his left hand over his opposing arm; Dr. Santiago and Rita both comforted Lincoln which "Not Gonna Lie" was tearing up a bit*


*Afterwards, everything got sorted out and Dr. Santiago left for home; Lincoln decided he's not going to get in everyone else's way, So he decided he was going to do his homework and not answer his sister's questions because it might just make him worse*

*Later, At Dinner*

Lynn Sr: So How was everyone else's day today?

Lincoln: Well, Dr Santiago came earlier today because Her Daughter pranked me; Which brings me to my next question How did a gun get in my backpack?

Lynn Sr: Oh my God; So that was where my pistol went... Please tell me you did not shoot anyone in the school!

Lincoln: I didn't; but that doesn't mean I didn't use it for defense.

Lynn Sr: So You said you were pranked by Ronnie Anne; I also know that Firearms aren't allowed in school.

Lincoln: I got myself suspended for 3 weeks because of that..

Lynn Sr: I'll explain to the Principal the reason about the gun; If you want.

Lincoln: Yes Sir, But that doesn't mean I don't deserve to be suspended.

Lynn Sr: Are you sure you are gonna take this suspension?

Lincoln: I have to... But that doesn't mean I am not doing homework.

Rita: You know that's right; Trust Us Lincoln, We will explain to the principal everything and hopefully things won't get worse.

Lola: If you ask me I think the prank should have played out; I think it's another one of those th-

Lincoln: Young lady, That's Enough; and maybe someday you will be the one in my place with a bunch of friends that still trust you and I will be the one being the bratty ultimate ego-maniac that treats himself like a prince and blackmails everybody into doing chores for me!*With that unleashed from Lincoln's mouth; the whole table was shot into a state of shock*

Lynn Sr: *Clears throat* Lincoln, I would like you to kindly please finish eating.

Lincoln: *exhale* Yes Sir.

Lynn Sr: And as for you, Lola; he has a point, Your hidden case of blackmailing and manipulation; it's going to get you into trouble someday, "Now" for example. I'm going to call the pageant director; and suspend you from any other upcoming pageants until we can get that tone of yours fixed properly.

Lola: *sniff* Yes Sir....

Lincoln: Mom, Can I be excused, Please? I need to go out for a walk.

Rita: Of course.

*Lincoln is emotionless as he puts his plate and silverware in the sink; Then grabs his Sweatshirt and goes out to the park; and sits on this bench; as he lowers his head*

Lincoln: ...I don't know what else to do... I am angry; I've been hurt, I've lashed out, and I am scared inside... Maybe if I get slushie at Flip's maybe I can eat my feelings for a short amount of time.

*He walks over to Flip's which is not that far from the park he walked to*


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