Ch. 13: "Bully" Rage Vs Righteous Rage

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*1 Week Later, Interrogation Room*

Me: Good Digs.

Chief: Sit Down.

*I did as he said*

Detective: Playing the Obedient prisoner isn't going to help you...

Me: You don't know that, Do you?

*The Detective shakes her head*

Chief: We'll be clear with you; You have shown quite a far amount of obedience with our guards but at the same time, You teach those that are out of line, a Very good lesson; How are you somehow not conflicted now?

Me: Because I have been conflicted before.

Detective: Want to tell us what you mean by that?

Me: This won't explain hitting Luna Loud but it will explain somehow getting along really well with Lincoln loud.

Chief: Just tell us.

Me: how about the fact that I have had a rough life in ways that I can't really specifically describe 100%; I'm diagnosed with autism, my graduation was budget cut because of the pandemic; and now I'm sitting here because you guys told me too!

*I Pound on the table making a crack on it, Startling the people around me, but suddenly the chief was starting to get choked, but I didn't have my hands out revealing that I didn't choke him; so how is this happening?*

*Lincoln was standing from the other room's window and somehow he had learned the ways of the force, guns were pointed at him, but he unleashed a massive shockwave of heat and power as everything around him either got sent back at a distance or heavily damaged*

*30 seconds later... My eyes were blinking as I regained to my strength... I then saw Lincoln who looked really different...*

Me: Lincoln!? What are you doing here? And did you get contacts?

Lincoln: I came to get you out of here, and no I did not really get contacts.

Me: This needs to stay between you and me, C'mon; I'm not saying anything on the way to bring you home; Do your parents know where you decided to go with all places??

Lincoln: I know you don't belong in jail.

Me: Maybe Not, But Lincoln, LISTEN. TO ME. This does not happen again; Am I clear??

Lincoln: Why do you think it's wrong that I rescue you?

Me: I wouldn't call it wrong I'd rather call it reckless and not safe, how did you even spring back up full of energy and out of the hospital??

Lincoln: I-... I have absolutely no idea.

???: Well, Well, Well.

*Me and Lincoln found ourselves on the streets of the Royal Woods village; and then we are surrounded by the Bullies from middle school, including Chandler, Hank, and Hawk.*

Bully #1: It's such a pleasure to see you again, Little Albino

Lincoln: Just so you know we are not on the bus right now.

Bully #1: We are quite aware of that.

Lincoln: Then what business do you have with the two of us this time?

Hank: Well, We bullies have all teamed up, and we thought it would be a good idea to... Kill you.

Lincoln: Then let me ask you this, as soon as you kill me and you succeed what are you planning to do with Joshua?

Hawk: Perhaps a little reprogramming... Making him an instrument of destruction than a hero or protector.

*I just tilted my head with a smile, because he is somehow not frightened by that*

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