Ch. 6: The Personal Counselor

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*The Next Morning; Lincoln was squeezing his Stress balls as much as he could without having to pop them; it turns out due to the suspension he is ordered to do online work and his homework will be sent home*

*But Lincoln did his best to control himself and not get too angry; besides he wanted to punish himself for his own anger; because hurting other innocent people just because he's angry or no other proper reason is not right but rather wrong*


*A car pulls up to the driveway; it looks like the personal counselor has arrived*

*My POV*

*I get out of my car and I stand before the loud house; the house of 11 children, more specifically 10 girls and one boy... And I can tell if that one boy has been having problems living in a house with 10 girls he must have a serious problem regaining his ground and composure but hopefully that's not the case*

*I knock on the door; One of the sister's answers; She looks like she is younger than Lincoln and is wearing Black and White all over as well as her hair is black and covering her eyes*

"Lucy": Can I Help You, Sir?

Me: Hello there, Little lady, Your Parents Called me Last night; and I am here to meet and make progress with your brother Lincoln loud today.

Lucy: Mom has work today; Everyone else is minding their business in their rooms; Dad is here though.

???: Hey Lucy, Is That The Counselor?

Lucy: Do come In.

Me: Thank you.

*Lucy closes the door behind me as I enter; Lynn Sr comes up from the basement and sees me*

Lynn Sr: Ah, Sir; Welcome in.

Me: Lynn Sr, it is a pleasure to be welcome in here... *Lincoln looks from the dining room; but then is shocked to see me*

*Lincoln then flashes back to the situation at Flip's and Then closely looks at the Counselor, and sure enough he is the same guy from the gas station that had the power of the force; But what is he doing here?*

Me: ... I will make a note of that, Anyway where is Lincoln at?

Lynn Sr: Right here in the Dining room doing his homework.

Me: Thank You, Sir. *I walk over to Lincoln who did his best to keep calm* I am certain you remember me from the gas station?

Lincoln: I do... Please don't punish me.

Me: Why would I do that? I'm only here to conduct a survey and get at least a few answers... Your father already told me the true reason that gun ended up in your backpack.

Lincoln: At least clue me in; That "Guns" is not the only other thing we're talking about today.

Me: Cross My Heart.

Lincoln: Then Let's Begin.

Me: Alright; Lynn Sr Is it okay if Your Son and I use the living room for a certain amount of time?

Lynn Sr: No Problem.


Me: Okay, So flipping back to where this kind of thing started; where do you think you got this Anger from? Unless if it's not anger then could it be a build up to that point...?

Lincoln: I wasn't always angry; all I know is I was a very good, obedient, loyal, helpful, and loving kid; but there were mostly times in my life when I grew very jealous of my sister's accomplishments and I did my best to hold it in...

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