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*Back At The Loud House*

*Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and the Louds were having a moment before everyone goes their separate ways*

Lincoln: Ronnie... About what I did...

Ronnie Anne: we'll both take the blame for what happened that day, I didn't know what was happening and I didn't know how you got that gun either.

Lincoln: I'm sorry too, I never should have threatened you like that. *The two hug*

Ronnie Anne: Look, L-mao... I know this won't be a pretty Half Year... But just in case if you ever want to talk or video chat... You know when to contact me.

Lincoln: Thanks...

*The two hug one last time as they both shed tears, and the casagrandes leave for home*

Lynn Sr: *sigh*

Rita: This world has not been friendly to Lincoln...

Lynn Sr: Still, I hope this adventure taught us... "All of us" as a family a very important lesson...

Me: I agree.

*Lynn Sr, Rita, and Lincoln look to see Me and they see I have packed up my things*

Lincoln: You are leaving too?

Me: No, this is not really a "goodbye."

Lincoln: Why do I get the feeling that things are going to go back to the way they were once you leave?

*I took a knee Infront of him as I place a hand on his shoulder, He clings to me, as I return his hug*

Me: I talked with your mom and dad, they're going to make sure nothing terribly wrong happens to you; because they already have a lot to look after.

Lincoln: No arguments there.

Me: I should give you this before I go. *I handed him a calling card*

Lincoln: This is nice, I Guess.

Me: I have a family to look after; I'm just glad I did my best to help you with your problem.

Lincoln: Well, this adventure hasn't been pretty... I feel kind of rusty...

Me: Well, it is getting late.

Lincoln: Last Hug! *He hugs me again, and then I leave, He smiles and then his smile disappears, He looks at the calling card and Sees a Warvengers Logo on the Back of It, Saying "Your Adventure Is Not Over Yet, It's Just Beginning"*

Lynn Sr: Turn Around.

*Lincoln Sees Lynn Sr and Rita holding Warvengers Jumpsuit Uniforms for the Loud Family*

Rita: We were able to strike a Deal with Joshua.

Lincoln: Is there a chance I'll turn into Ace Savvy?

Rita: Even Better, but we would like you to get some sleep, okay?

Lincoln: Yes Ma'am, Love you.

Rita: Love you too, Sweetie.

*And With That, Lincoln heads upstairs to Bed, Leaving Lynn Sr and Rita to face Eachother*

Lynn Sr: What do you think is going to happen?

*Rita looks at the Stairs referring to Lincoln*

Rita: Something Awesome.

_________________The End__________________

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