The Announcement

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Thank you, @Teamleomcshizzle, for becoming my first follower!!

And thank everyone for reading this far into this fanfiction!! I can't express my gratitude enough.

So, that's it!! Thanks for reading!!

Neville's POV:

I was starting to get really worried about Percy. Somehow, he had bled in his sleep, unable to wake up from screaming and slaps, and wants everyone to believe that he is perfectly fine.

He's one of my only friends, and therefore I'm going to make sure that he's okay.

"Dude, I'm fine!" Percy said for the 5th time today. The Golden Trio, Percy and I were all sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, trying to ignore the stares sent our way. Word had spread about the incident, and now everyone wanted to know what happened.

"Now you are." Ron said indignantly. "But last night? You were bleeding and acting like you'd just had breakfast!!" That seemed to have reminded Ron. He stuffed 3 pancakes in one bite and chewed very briefly before swallowing. Hermoine smacked him in the back with her book whilst he smirked.

"Ron's right, Percy," I said. "How'd you start bleeding in the first place, anyway?"

Percy shifted uncomfortably. "I have a paper opener. I must have somehow slept with it and it cut me." No one believed him.

Before we could ask more about it, Ginny Weasley ran into the hall. She had gone to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for a few months as a part of an exchange program. Harry had sent and received letters every single day. As soon as she entered the hall, Harry jumped out of his seat. He ran over and lifted her up. He kissed her on the lips and stayed there for a whole 10 seconds before breaking away for air. They both looked into each other's eyes, clearly in love. Harry brushed some of her orange hair away from her cheek before giving her a quick peck and leading her over to us.

When she sat down, she hugged all of us before she saw Percy. When she saw him, she glanced back at Harry before returning to Percy. "Are you Harry's secret twin?" she asked.

"See, that's what I said!" Ron said indignantly.

"Uh, no. I'm not." Percy stammered. "I'm just a normal wizard." The way he said it made me think he was anything but a normal wizard.

"Then how come you both look so similar?" Ginny was still confused.

"Maybe we're very, very distant cousins." Harry suggests.

"That would explain why Percy looks better looking." Ron said. That time, he got a whack from Hermoine and Ginny at the same time.

"Bloody hell! I'm just being honest!!"

"And rude!" Ginny said. "Besides, Harry's better looking in my opinion. No offence. . . um. Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"It's Percy. Nice to meet you, Ginny." Percy held out his hand. Ginny took it.

"How did you know my name?" she asked.

"For one, you look like Fred, George and Ron, so I could assume that you're their sister. And I know that there is only one sister in the Weasley family, so it was a safe bet."

We all chatted for a few minutes, when Professor McGonagall stood up.

"Students!" she yelled, silence washing over the hall. "We have a very important announcement for you all."

"Ooh, I wonder what it is!" Hermoine whispered before turning back to Professor McGonagall.

"Next month, we shall be holding the Yule Ball!"

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