The Confrontation

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Hi guys! Welcome back!

I don't really have much to say, except that I've reached OVER 1.5k READS!! Thank you guys so much! To me, this is an incredible achievement.

Sorry for not posting sooner, but I've been sick and it's been hard to write ANYTHING down. I hope you guys understand.

Again, thank you so much for reading!

Percy's POV:

"YOU STUPID, PATHETIC BOY!!" Voldemort shouted.

I was still in the chair, tied up and trying to stay conscious. I couldn't let Harry be killed by Voldemort. His friends and family had sacrificed their lives so he could live, and I wasn't about to let that sacrifice become worthless.

Unfortunately, though, I paid the price. My lungs struggled to get air, and my restraints were tightened so much that my circulation was completely cut off. I felt knives on my back, head, feet, arms, hands, legs and everywhere you could imagine. I was having the second nosebleed of my life - though this time, I didn't wake a Primordial Earth Goddess. I think.

Voldemort materialised in front of me like a hologram. He was fuming, looking at me like I'd just murdered his family. Funny, that's what he did to Harry.

Voldemort stormed towards me and put his hand around my neck. If possible, I was having a harder to breath than before. I gasped and tried to pry my head away from Voldemort, but he only squeezed harder.


I wanted to point out that I couldn't speak, but then I remembered I'd have to use my voice for that.

Voldemort growled and released my neck. I coughed, trying to get some air back into my lungs. It didn't work. When I looked up, I saw Voldemort still staring daggers at me. I didn't know what he was trying to do until I suddenly felt very tired. My eyes were drooping, and it took all of my effort to stay conscious.

Voldemort leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.

"Sleep," he said.

Harry's POV:

Percy was having a breakdown. He was shaking so hard that I was scared to touch him. We all were. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how. All I could do was watch in shock as he shook and mumbled words hysterically.

"Percy?" Hermoine said gently. "Are you alright?"

"Of course he's not alright Hermoine!" Ron said. "Look at him!"

"We need to check if he's responsive!" she defended. "He could be having a stroke!"

I wanted to tell them that their arguing wasn't going to help Percy when he stood up straight. He looked at us like we were his worst enemies. His eyes weren't bloodshot anymore, but his pupils were red and his skin was pale. Hermoine, Ron and I stared at him in disbelief as he looked at us with an amused smirk.

"Oh, close your mouths!" Percy hissed. "You're going to catch flies."

I'm not sure how it happened, but something clicked in my head. How Percy was so mad at that stranger, why he looked so dead in the hospital wing and why he was looking at us all with such hate and disgust.

"Hello, Voldemort," I said.

Whilst Hermoine and Ron widened their eyes in realisation, Voldemort laughed.

"My, my," he said. "Haven't you gotten smarter?"

"What have you done with Percy?" I demanded.

Voldemort smiled. "Nothing really," he said. "Just made sure that he wouldn't be in the way of my fun."

"If you've killed him—" Ron warned.

"Of course I haven't killed him!" When Voldemort saw our faces, he sighed. "Okay, let me show you."

Voldemort snapped his fingers, and an image was in front of us. It was Percy, tied to a chair. He was still in his Gryffindor robes, but they were basically ripped to shreds. He was bleeding heavily and biting his lip, trying to suppress a scream. Every few seconds, a new wound would appear against his skin and start bleeding. He looked exhausted and broken, like he was past the breaking point.

"Stop it!" Hermoine shouted.

"Mmm, no," Voldemort decided.

"You better let him go," I warned. "Or I bloody swear, I'll—"

"Oh, stop thinking that you're in charge!" Voldemort scolded. "Or, do you need me to show you?"

Apparently, that was a rhetorical question. Voldemort snapped his fingers again, and Percy started screaming. It must have caught him off guard, because he swallowed deeply and tried to suppress it. He only let whimpers out from then on.

When Percy finally looked up, he widened his eyes. He saw us.

"How can he see us?" "Ron asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Oh, he can see everything," Voldemort said. "Why else do you think I collapsed? He saw what I was about to do and stopped it."

I suddenly had a spark of hope. If Percy managed to regain control of his body, maybe he could get rid of Voldemort altogether.

Apparently, Hermoine had the same idea.

"Percy!" she said. "Fight Voldemort. You've done it once before, and you can do it again!"

Percy looked at us with pity, like we were foolish children who had no clue about the real world.

"She's right, mate!" Ron chimed in. "If you don't do this, imagine what Voldemort might do to the school! He'll kill so many innocent children!"

The thought of going through war again sent shivers down my spine. I don't think I'd ever be sane if I did.

"He's right, Percy!" I said. "You have to resist!"

Percy seemed to get more motivation than before. He squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated. I held my breath, hoping whatever he was doing would work.

Voldemort started to shake and he widened his eyes. He scowled and concentrated harder. I silently willed that Percy would manage to take control of his body. Let's just say, it didn't happen like that.

Voldemort gasped like he'd come up for air and looked at us victoriously. At that same time, Percy started screaming. He was shaking so badly I thought that the ropes were going to snap.

"Well, that was interesting!" Voldemort said. "I think, Percy, we're going to have to use your special gifts on your friends, now."

Percy widened his eyes, but that was all he was strong enough to do. He opened his mouth to tell us something, but no words came out.

"I'll give you three a 5-second head start," Voldemort smiled. "Clock's ticking."

I didn't want to run away, and I knew that Hermoine and Ron didn't either, but the look on Percy's face told us enough: Run and don't look back.

And so we did.

We just got out the door before the explosion of water.

Thanks so much for reading!!

See you next time!!

- Chloe :)

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