Voldy-Snorts Controls Persassy (Good luck, buddy!!)

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

I know that I really need to get back on schedule, but have you guys tried to stay at a concert hall for the entire school day, only playing your flute for about 5 minutes, go home, go back to the concert hall on train with friends that like to sing the song you HATE, get there at 6:15, have to go with an annoying boy to represent the school, go back upstairs to get your flute, play for 3 minutes, and stay for the next 2 HOURS even though you don't do anything important, play blackjack, try to steal something from a boy and vice versa (it's very fun, by the way), leave at 10 with your mum, 2 other mum's and 2 boys, get KFC, go back on the train home, have a little time sitting on the couch watching TV, go to sleep at 11, get to sleep at 11:30 and wake up to go to band practice the next day at 7:45 with only 10 other band mates?

It's not easy.

Anyway, let's see how Voldemort tries to control Percy Jackson's mind.

Percy's POV:

To say that I was angry was an understatement. I'll be honest, I'd expected the betrayal, but for a little bit, I kind of started to doubt my gut feeling. I was hoping that the Golden Trio actually trusted me and wanted me to be their friend.

And then they get me into a ginormous mess and expect me to forgive them. I'll be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Annabeth is my girlfriend, I would have been swearing a lot.

I didn't know how they knew about Annabeth, but I wouldn't put it past them to go snooping in my memories. I knew that it was probably a trap and that I would be taken hostage, but as long as they didn't hurt my Wise Girl, I'd be okay.

The day was a blur. The Golden Trio tried to make me sit next to them and get me to acknowledge what they had to say but had none of it. I just let my ADHD take control and zoned out the entire time. I skipped meals and left the dorm as soon as I saw Harry or Ron enter. I had to figure out what I was going to do, and them pestering me wasn't helping.

I stayed with Neville for dinner, but I made a direct point to not look or talk to the Golden Trio. As soon as I was able to, I excused myself and headed towards the dorm. I made sure that no one were in there. When I was positive that I was alone, I took a page out of the Golden Trio's book and searched through Harry's stuff. Neville had told me a lot about him, including a certain cloak of his.

When I saw it, I lifted it up triumphantly. I couldn't afford to be seen. I didn't want to help Voldy, but there was no way I was putting Annabeth at risk. No matter what.

I put it on just as Harry and Ron came in, looking defeated. They looked like they expected me to be here - which I was - but they couldn't see me.

"Mate, what are we going to do?" Ron asked, sitting on his bed. "He won't hear of it."

"We just have to keep trying. He can't ignore us forever."

Uh, yes, I can.

"Do you think," Ron said hesitantly. "There's something he wasn't telling us?"

"He hasn't told us a lot of things," Harry pointed out. This, however, sounded more like a fact than an accusatory comment (Annabeth would be proud of me).

"I mean, Hermoine said that he had a dream of his own," Ron explained. "And he's been refusing to sleep."

"So what?"

"Well, Bill said that sometimes people who could use Occlumency could sometimes go into people's dreams. And someone really powerful could cause physical pain in dreams."

"And Voldemort could do Occlumency," Harry seemed to figure out where Ron was going.

"And Percy was bleeding one night in bed, screaming and looking in pain. Do you think . . ."

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