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It has been a week since the audition, and auditioning was finally closed for the part. That means that they'll let us know if we got the part or not.

I was in the shower in my room when I heard a quick knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I shout over the running water as I pause my music.

"We got the call sweetie." My mom tells me. "You got the role!" She tells me excitedly.

"SERIOUSLY?" I scream, giggling with excitement.

"Yep! And you're gonna meet the team and cast pretty soon, then your dad and you will go to the hotel and filming location." She explains.

"I can't wait!" I tell her. "Thanks mom!"

She walks away and I play my music. I can barely concentrate on the songs playing as I think about the movie.

I'm going to get to travel with my dad AND Walker while we film, and do interviews and stuff with them and some of the other cast.

I finish up in the shower and get dressed in some comfy pajamas, since it was almost 8 and I wouldn't be going anywhere until tomorrow.

We ate dinner fairly quickly and my dad let me go up to my room. I was sitting on my bed, scrolling for a movie on Netflix when my phone started ringing.

Bestie Walkie Talkie💕

Italics: Walker
Bold: You

"Hey Del"
"What's up Walker?"
"I'm bored and I'm bored."
"What am I supposed to do about that?"
"Entertain me dumbass! Don't you have drama or something from school?"
"I'm homeschooled school bell."
"Oh my godddssss."
"Did you just quote Percy Jackson?"
"No. Did you get the role?"
"Say hello to the one and only Micky Valdez."
"Chill, walkie talkie. What should I watch, I can't find anything good and new."
"So rewatch something."
"But I already know every line to my shows."
"Then too bad. Just talk to me."
"But your so boringgg."
"Well don't I feel like an appreciated best friend"
"I wanna make cookies!"
"You can't."
"I'll literally get my dad to drive me"
"If you come with me to volleyball clinic tomorrow, I'll bring you some."
"Night school bell"
"Night Del."

I hung up the phone and went downstairs to make the cookies. I mixed up the batter and added blue food dye, just for fun, before mixing in a bunch of chocolate chips.

I rolled the dough out and put it on the cookie sheet before placing them in the preheated oven and setting the timer.

I sat on the counter across from the oven and went on instagram to post the screenshot I had taken earlier.

9:31 pm

219:31 pm

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