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2 weeks until I see Walker.

The Marvel directors reached out yesterday with a new movie proposal, and I have to admit, it sounded AWESOME.

Spiderman: No Way Home

Yeah, cool title too.

I agreed to the part they wanted for me in the movie, since it was a multiverse angle.

See, technically, in Peter/The Avengers universe, my character-Valarie, or Val-died fighting alongside Ironman.

(I forgot if I gave her character a name or not so I just came up with one for her😭)

She was too close to him when he snapped and got blasted by the power of the infinity stones. She died beside her father figure.

But in this movie, it's a really complex multiverse thing, so along with some other visitors, Val from another universe is brought to Peter's.

She has a big role in the movie and they discover some stuff.

I accepted mostly because I have nothing to do without Walker anymore, and I miss my Marvel family. Plus, Silver Mist's suit is GORG I love it so much.

Today was the first table read for the movie, and we'd be there for hours trying to work through some of the script.

We had some big plot points in this movie, and they had to be executed perfectly.

We got in the car-me in my pj's, because looking good is a lot of work on a Saturday, and my mom and dad drove me to the place.

It was a big warehouse looking building, with several cars parked out front of the 3 story building.


We wouldn't be filming here, just getting outfits, costumes, props, etc sorted out and measured, along with going over the script.

We would head out to Brooklyn on the 3rd of October, a few days after Mo's birthday and after Walker leaves again, to begin filming.

Well that's what the producers, directors, and every other adult in the room told me. I was the only minor in the cast, and being around so many adults all the time was sure going to affect me.


5 hours later, I was back home.

I had been fitted for Silver Mist's uniform/outfit, sized for the combat boots, measured out for the staff that basically made me a female Percy Jackson on screen, and given a workout regimen and diet description.

I forgot how hard you have to work to keep in shape enough for a superhero movie. The diet wasn't too strict.

It mainly consisted of recommended calorie intake, restricted food-basically just junk food, and recommended water intake per day.

I reminded myself to be grateful, because some of my castmates were on much stricter diets.

After I got everything I needed done, I hung out with FRICKEN ZENDAYA until it was time for the table read.

It was..unbelievable. She was so sweet and kind and funny and awesome and gorgeous and oh my gods.

I was currently telling Walker all of this on the phone, both of us fighting the urge to fall asleep.

Eventually, as I was half asleep, I did hear his snoring, so I let myself be pulled under, falling asleep before I could remember to hang up the phone.


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