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"Hey Lizzy!" Walker and I greet excitedly, making Elizabeth smile as she came up behind Walker's spot on the couch and hugged him awkwardly due to the position.

"Yeah, hey Lizzy." Connor repeats, his voice cracking as his celebrity crush sits across the room from him.

Apparently her sitting in the same room as him is enough for him to get flustered.

We all talk and sit around until we hear my dad's car pull up outside, to which we watch Elizabeth go to the top of the stairs so Betty doesn't see her yet.

I meet them at the door and pick up my little sister, wishing her a happy birthday as she adjusted the little pink party hat that sat atop her head.

"Hi sissy!" Betty squeals, looking up at me.

"Hey B." I grin back at her. "Did you and dad have fun?"

"Duh, I'm the funnest person ever." My dad says as he walks over and gives my mom a quick kiss.

"Dada got me ice cream!" Betty tells me proudly, causing me to notice the chocolate on the sides of her mouth.


"Oopsie" Betty giggles and looks at me.

"Come on cutie." I chuckle as I carry her over to the couch, sitting beside Mo and Leah, Betty on my lap.

"Are you ready to open presents?" Mona asks in a high pitched voice, making Betty nod.

"Presents!" Betty shouts excitedly, climbing off my lap and running into the dining room, where we always open presents.

She giggles at the bags on the table, even though there aren't very much, and reaches for the one our parents got her.


Betty reaches for my present last, giggling when she pulls out the doll and clothes, handing the card to my mom.

My mom grins as she hands the card back behind Betty's head, where Elizabeth is standing behind her.

Elizabeth starts reading the card, walking forward and sitting on the table next to Betty, who's eyes are wider than ever before.

"WANDAAA!" Betty screams excitedly, jumping at Elizabeth, who catches her and sets her on her hip.

"Happy birthday Betty." Elizabeth tells her with a smile, Betty hugging her tightly and showing her the doll.

Elizabeth stayed for a few more hours, playing with Betty before she had to leave.

Noon twin's birthday.

All Of The Above
16 participants
Delphi- dreamworld
Walker- Walkie talkie
Dior- the boss
Charlie- muscle man
Leah- Curl queen
Connor- Grumpy Smurf
McKenna- Ghostbuster
Aryan- Rocky
Abby- Shortstock
Keith- Casper
Payton- Hands
Javon- Who?
Brady- El Libero
Sophie- The Babysitter
Momona- Peace maker
Danny- Daniel Tiger

El Libero:
So who was gonna be the first one


Grumpy Smurf:
Wish us happy birthday🙄

Curl queen:

Curl queen:

Ok I was gonna be the first but I guess
now I'm the second

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