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The next morning, the entire Cartoon groupchat was at the park, save for Leah.

10:30 in the morning, and we were all wide awake-which is odd for Abby and Javon- all of us doing our designated jobs.

Aryan, Javon, and Momona we're setting up the blankets we'd brought. 4 of them put together to make one big square for the 12 of us.

Walker, McKenna, and Daniel were out getting food for the picnic. We'd sent them to Subway to get some sandwiches for everyone, since it was easiest.

McKenna was send with them as a sort of parental guidance system so the two idiots (Walker and Danny) didn't wander off.

They were also supposed to get some snacks and sweets for Abby and I to fill the picnic baskets with when they get back.

Brady was in charge of setting out the presents while Keith and Connor went and picked up the cupcakes and candles.


20 minutes later, everything was set up exactly how Delphi had envisioned it.

The cupcakes were in the center of the blankets in their pink box, purple and white frosting with gold dust. The one in the center held a '13' candle, for Leah's 13th birthday.

Brady had set up the birthday presents around the cupcake box, 11 gift bags in a circle.

McKenna, Walker, and Danny had brought back the sandwiches and snacks, Abby loading the sandwiches in one picnic basket and me putting the snacks in the other.

The picnic baskets were set between Momona and Delphi, holding food awaiting to be passed out.

Mo and I had convinced Leah to meet us at the park at 11, since her actual party was at 3.

Mo and I were out by the front of the park, sitting on the swings waiting for Leah's car, which soon pulled up. She got out of the back of the car and waved at us, walking over.

"Hey girls!" Leah smiled sweetly, slipping her phone into her pocket.

"Do you trust me Leah?" I ask, making her scrunch her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Uh-I..I mean yeah. Yeah I do." Leah nods, making Mo and I stand up.

"This will require a lot of blind trust. Emphasis on blind." Mo said as she held up the blindfold.

"Oh my goodness." Leah said, laughing nervously as Mo tied the blindfold around her head.

"Ok, I pinky promise not to make you run into anything." I say, grabbing her shoulders and beginning to guide her through the park.

After a few minutes, we get within seeing range of the picnic setup. Mo and I walk her until we're about 5 feet away from the blankets.

"Ok, ready?" I ask both Leah and he group, who are supposed to yell surprise.

The entire group on the blankets silently nodded and Leah said yes.

"Ok. 3.." I countdown.

"2..." Momona continues.

"1!" I finish, as I pulled off the blindfold and we all yelled surprise.

Leah started laughing and covered her mouth in shock. "You guys..."

"Happy birthday Leah." I grin as she turns around and hugs Mo and I.

Everyone else comes over and joins the hug, wishing her a happy birthday.

"Now come on, we got food." McKenna laughs as she sits back down, Abby and Javon on either side of her.

Mo and I sit on either side of the picnic baskets, Walker on my left and Daniel on Mo's right.

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