2.9K 74 31

Everybody decided that they wanted to stay inside for the day, so McKenna put on her favorite tv show, Once Upon A Time.

We all piled onto the couches, Aryan, McKenna, me, and Walker on one and Momona, Javon, Tanner, and Leena on the other.

I leaned my head against the armrest of the couch, kicking my feet up across Walker and McKenna's laps, who then proceeded to use my legs as an armrest.

We watched the show for about an hour before Heather and Pete woke up, making us breakfast.

We all sat at the dining room table, Walker on my left and Aryan on my right as we began eating our pancakes.


The rest of the day was spent playing board games, watching movies, goofing off, and walking Whiskey, Walker's dog.

Eventually, after Tanner went to sleep and Leena went upstairs to her room, Momona had the idea to go live on Instagram.

We crowded around the coffee table, propping Mo's phone up before sitting in front of it. Walker, Momona, and me on the floor while Javon, Aryan, and McKenna sat behind us, Aryan and I in the middle of our rows.

Momona clicked the button and we waited for a few minutes while people joined, lots of people.

By the time we started paying attention to the phone, there were 73,000 people were watching us yell at Javon for not listening.

"Alright we'll start with answering some questions?" McKenna suggests, shrugging.

"Mkay." Momona says, leaning forward to read off the screen. "This person asked who makes the best decisions."

"Oh easy, Kenna." Aryan snorts, waving his hand dismissively. "Next question!" Aryan orders laughing slightly.

"Ok how bout this one. Who's the most oblivious one in the main 8?" Walker reads off the screen, making Mo, Kenna, Aryan, and Javon roll their eyes.

"Delphi and Walker tie, no competition." Javon says, making everyone besides Walker and I giggle.

"This is why you're the least favorite." I remark, making Walker giggle with everyone else, trying to hide it as Javon glared at me.

"Anyways, how bout another." Kenna changed the subject, pushing Javon's head back to the screen.

"When are Walker and Delphi gonna start datingggggg?" Aryan reads, poking me in the back as he speaks.

"Shut upppppp." I reply, pushing his hand away from me.

"I mean it's not like y'all haven't ki-" Momona started, interrupted by me and Walker slapping our hands over her mouth to muffle her words.

"Reminder that only 4 of the 6 of us are away of this fact." Walker reminds her, pulling his hand away.

"I don't know what's happening." Javon comments, looking down at the three of us.

"Me either. Guess we're the two that don't know." McKenna adds, faking hurt as she leans back on the couch.

"Ok fine. Hold on." I sigh, pulling out my phone to text the groupchat.

7:29 pm
The 7 (And Javon)
8 participants
Walkie Talkie🧸
Jelly Bean😍
Jazz hands🤪

Jelly bean:
Walker and I kissed

Walkie Talkie:

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