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The next morning Momona's parents either left for work or went to run some errands, leaving Mo and I alone for a few hours.

The first thing we decided to do was paint each other's nails.

Mo grabbed her nail polish container and we went out to the back deck, sitting at the polished picnic table outside the back door.

"Do you wanna go first?" I ask Mo as she picks out some colors.

"Elaborate please." Mo laughs. "Do I want to paint first or have my nails done first?"

"The second one goof." I join her in laughing as she nods and hands me the baby blue she picked out.

"Just something simple, baby blue." She grins as she holds one of her hands out to me.

"Baby blue it is." I open the nail polish and begin painting her nails.


"It's way too quiet Delph." Mo suddenly says as I'm painting her second hand.

"What do you suggest Momo?" I ask as I swipe more polish on to her middle finger.

"We should listen to music or call someone." Mo decides, and I nod.

"Whichever one you want to do more." I shrug as I finish her middle finger polish.

"We should call Walker then. Us three are the best people ever." Mo smiles jokingly as she pulls out her phone with her dry hand.

"What about Kenna and Aryan?" I giggle as I continue painting her nails.

"4th and 5th." Mo shrugs as her phone starts ringing.

"What's up Mo?" Walker asks, followed by some shuffling then a door closing.

"Heyyyy Walker." Mo replies as she looks down at her hand as I finish my painting.

"Hey Walk." I add as I pick out a color for my nails.

"Oh hey Del! I forgot you were at Mo's house." Walker laughs at himself. "When are you coming home so you can come over before I go?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning I think." I reply as I hand Mo a sage green polish.

"And then you're coming over?" Walker asks, just to be sure.

"That's what she said runner." Mo laughs softly as she begins painting my nails. "She's coming over Walker, quit being obsessive."

Even though it was a joke, Walker blushed through the phone. He quickly turned off his camera as Mo burst out laughing, withdrawing her hand from mine so she didn't put nail polish everywhere.

Her laugh was so sweet and contagious, I couldn't help but join in, laughing with her.

I could still hear Walker both laughing and groaning, like he didn't know whether to join our laughing or complain about Momona.

Eventually, Mo calmed back down and began painting my nails again, moving slowly in case she starts again.

A few minutes later-by the time Mo begins painting my second hand- Walker turned his camera back on.

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