7 - No more running

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"Princess? Can I come in?"

I hear James say from outside. No. He can't see me like this. No. He can't see me cry. No. He probably thinks i'm a monster. No no no...


My mouth moves against my brains order. My breathing quickens as the door cracks open. I bury my face in my legs, not wanting to be seen. I never felt so weak.

I feel his presence next to me. He sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Just like me.

"I'm sorry." He says. "For calling you princess. I know you don't like it.."

"It's fine." I murmur into my legs.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Why do you care?"

I hear him sigh. "I care because I believe you're a good person."

I lift my head up to look at him. My sight blurry from tears. I meet his beautiful blue eyes. They're filled with kindness, which is strange.

"A good person? Have you not heared a word from Stark?"

"I heared everything."

"Well, then congratulations, you cought a killer." I look away from him and stare at the wall. More tears threaten to spill. They just don't seem to stop.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

I snap my head up to see Steve standing in the doorway.


"Your mom. Did you kill her purpose?" He askes a second time.

"What? Of course not!"

"Then what happened?"

I look from Steve to James and sigh. Fuck it. I'm stuck here anyway.

"If I do this.. then I do this right." I take a shakey breath and wipe the tears from my cheeks.

Both men look at me so intensly. Waiting to hear every word I say. And surprisingly, I actually wnat them to hear my story.

"So it all started when I was a kid..."

(if you didn't read the backround story in the first part... then go do it now!)


The silence sounds louder then ever as I wait for any of the men I just spilled my entire life story to to say something.

As I was spilling my guts out Steve sat on the other side of me. Which means i'm now in the middle of two very large men that smell amazing and might just hate me.

They haven't said a word the entire time. Why do I care so much about what they think of me?

I look back and forth between them, starting to panic. They're looking at each other, like they're having a conversation in their heads.

Buckys pov:

She doesn't know how simmiler we are. Both of us are guilty for people getting hurt, or killed, without being able to control it.

All i wanna do is hold her and tell her that I understand.

I took so long to open up myself to Steve when I got here. Let along other people. And now she just told two strangers she met yesterday her entire story.

Shit... she doesn't know how important she just became to me.

I look at Steve. Seeing my exact thoughts in his eyes. This girl will be the end of us...

Steves pov:

She looks so beautiful. Even with tears in her eyes. Even with messy hair.

The feeling of fire crackling under my skin that I felt ever since I first saw her never dissapered. And after she trusted us with her secrests just now, it got so much stronger.

I don't think she relises what she's doing.
I don't think she knows that I would jump off a building after her. That I would circle the world after her.

I will follow her anywhere.

I look at Buck and see the look in his eyes. And I instantly relise...

This girl will be the end of us...

Amelias pov:

James smiles at me. Such a sweet smile. God, he's beautiful. But does that mean... he doesn't hate me? Or think i'm totally a weird freak?

"Thank you for telling us doll. It means a lot more then you think."

My stomeche does flips at the sound of his voice. I just stare at him, unable to move.

"Shit- sorry. I know you don't like my nicknames..." he says while scatching the back of his neck.

"No I... actually like that one." I say honestly. Giving him half a smile, which makes him smile even bigger.

"Doll it is then."

I look over to Steve. He's just looking at us with a small smirk dancing on his lips.

"So... you're not gonna put my in jail?" I ask. He laughs a little and look to the ground, then up to meet my eyes.

"Don't worry sweetheart... i'm not gonna let that happen." He reasures me. I close me eyes and take a breath of relife.

They don't think i'm a weird killer monster. That's great. And i'm not going to jail. That's even better.

I feel a piece of hair being brushed behind my ear. I shiver, my eyes still closed. It was Steve. On my other side, I feel James take my hand in his. I don't pull away. I can't.

Here I am leaning against the wall, between the only people in the world who really know me now. And for the first time since I got here I don't feel stuck. I actully feel completly free.

No more running.


Do you think this was cute? Or too cringe?

Btw I know it's been a while! Please forgive me🙏

Btw I know it's been a while! Please forgive me🙏

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