Chapter 22

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Bucky pov

It's Y/n first night in Hydra. She's curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. It's pitched black, the only light coming from the crack from under the door. Her wrists and ankles are chained. There's no window, no bed, nothing. Just a concrete room, filled with nothing. "How could he get away with something like this?" Steve asks.

It ends up changing to her in the middle of a courtyard. It's snowing and she's surrounded by a bunch of little girls. "This is the start of the Red Room," Natasha says. "Y/n, Adeline, step forth," a woman commands. Her face is boney with sharp jaw lines. She's as straight as a pencil, and she's wearing a black shaw and a long black skirt. He black hair is up in a tight bun.

Y/n and a girl with dark brown hair step into a ring, formed by other girls. They both look at the lady, and then she nods. Y/n instantly goes under the girls leg. The girl that she's fighting has to be at least sixteen, while Y/n seems to be eleven. Once Y/n is behind her, she grabs her arm and kicks her back. You can hear her arm pop. Y/n goes on top of her and kneels down. She grabs her head. She looks to the teacher, and the teacher nods. And Y/n snaps her neck.

"She's so young. She didn't even hesitate," Tony says with discuss. "You don't have choice Tony," Nat says. "When your in that hellish place you have two options," I start. "You kill or you be killed," Nat finishes. She knows what it's like to grow up in a place like that. She was taken at a young age.

The next image is of her and a boy. "Who's that?" Sam asks. "I don't know," I respond. The boy is around Y/n's age, fifteen. Their on the roof top of the concrete building. Looking up at the star. "How's your brother?" The boy asks, his Swedish accent coming out. "He's Swedish?" Steve says in confusion. "I don't know. They wont let me talk to him. They just use him to get to me. But I don't even know if he's alive," Y/n says.

Her German is almost completely gone, converted into Russian. "He is alive. I saw him yesterday. He misses you," the Swedish boy says. "I still him some bread from the kitchen," the boy adds. Y/n let's out a sigh and stands up. "I need to head back to my cell, before HE get's mad," Y/n says and then the image ends. "She looks so lost," Bruce says.

  Images of her in a lab flash by. It's now her laying on the floor of her cell with Peter. "Oh my word," Tony expresses. "He really does look like Peter," Tony finishes. Their sitting on the floor, criss cross apple sauce playing cards. Suddenly all the lights turn out. Y/n stands up and pulls out a gun from her pants. "Come on Peter. We're leaving," Y/n says in Russian. "Y/n, you know I can't speak Russian," Peter reminds. "Right," she says almost as if she would get hit. "We're going to leave tonight," she reframes.

  "But Y/n, what would happen to you if you got caught?" Peter asks. "It'll be fine. As long as your ok that's all that matters," she says. Y/n walks up to the door and grabs out a bobbie pin. She starts to pick at the lock and eventually gets it unlocked. She turns around to face Peter. "You do exactly as I say. You don't breath unless I tell you. You don't swallow unless I tell you. Got it?" She asks. Peter nods. "Stay close to me," she adds.

  She goes to open the door with caution. She looks around and her and Peter sneak out of the cell. Once they get to the end of the hall there's two soldiers. Y/n puts her hand out in a protecting manner. Once they get closer she jumps out and jumps on the one soldier. She grabs his knife and slices his throat. The other one is about to shoot but she throws the knife right in between his eyes. She has blood all over her.

  "Even back then she was a murder," Tony comments. "She's trying to get her brother out!" I yell. "How does that make her a killer?" I ask. I can feel my blood boiling. "Have you ever been in a Hydra base for over a year? Do you even know what they do to you? All the pain and torture?" I can't stand that Tony doesn't see her for who she is and not what she's done. My attention then turns back to screen do to the sound of a gunshot.

  Y/n has the gun that she pulled out and starts shooting down soldiers one by one. She has her brother in the corner behind her. Once their all down the alarms start to go off. And that's when you can see the fear entire into her body. "RUN!" She yells. She grabs another gun and some knives. Her and her brother start booking it. Y/n turns around and starts shooting at the people around her. Once they get to the end of the hall their met by Korbin and eight other soldiers. Y/n turns around and see's that there's about. Ten more behind her.

  Her and Peter back up into the corner, like scared helpless animals. She kneels down to him. "Close your eyes and face the wall," Y/n commands. Without question, Peter does so. Y/n puts down that gun slowly. "Way to make things easier for your self," Korbin says. Then she pulls out the knives and throws three, killing three men on the spot. "Don't shoot!" Korbin commands.

  So soldiers start to pile in on her. She's fighting like I've never seen before. She ends up taking down twenty-seven men. Once their all dead fifty more men come. She's out of breath but still going. Ten charge at her and she kills them without any effort. "I've seen what I've needed to see," Korbin says. Suddenly Y/n falls to the ground screaming in pain. Just like she would before.

  I look down to Y/n and her entire body is tight. She's in pain and she's starting to breath heavily. I look back to the image and see Korbin kneeling in front of her. "Oh my child, I have much to teach you," he tells her. She goes in and out of consciousness for a moment. Then the image ends and she goes back to her resting self.

Just wanted to giver you one. There will still be one tomorrow at 9 pm ET.

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