Chapter 35

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Bucky's pov
  It feels so nice to finally be home. Once we get off the jet everyone rushes out to meet their loves one's. My loved one though was the one flying the plane, and also my rescuer. Y/n hops out of the plane and leave to her room. Normally I'd follow her but I'm sure that she needs some space.

  I grab my bag and take a shower and eventually I lay on my bed and take a nap. By the time I wake up I head down stairs and Tony's ordering pizza's. I look down to the floor and see Peter, MJ, Ned, and Morgan playing a board game. "What's up Barnes?" Tony asks. "We're not doing any parties right?" I ask. "No, I looked up the crime rates and stuff while we where gone and it was pretty chill. And there's no need to raise suspicions," Tony adds. I nod my head. Steve and Sam end up entering the room and we all just hang out.

  "How's Y/n?" Steve asks. "I'm sure she's fine. Once she left thought that it would be best to just let her have some alone time," I explain.
"Do you think that that's safe?" Sam asks. "She's fine," I assure them. "So, you and her are a thing huh?" Peter asks. I look behind me and don't see him. "Peter! What did I say about being on the ceiling!" Tony scolds. I look up and see him just hanging upside down. Peter flips over and onto the ground.

  "Well.." not quite sure how to answer that. "She talks about you when she sleeps," Peter adds. I just smile and awkwardly laugh and scratch the back of my head. "We've known each other for seventy years. She's thought me most of the things that I know. We kept each other alive when we where at Hydra, we cared for each other. We're all we had," I tell him. "You should tell her that you love her," Peter says. Why am I talking to this child?

  Once the pizza's arrive, everyone comes to the main floor's kitchen and we start to dig in. After about five minutes or so, Y/n comes down. I made sure to save a seat for her as well. "What can I get you?" I asks her. She tells me to pick for her so I just get a plain. We end up going over to the couches after dinner, just sitting and talking. Y/n's sitting on the floor in front of me, picking at her new arm. I end up playing with her hair, calming her down. I can tell that she didn't get what I was doing at first but she quickly learned that I was just helping her. If that's the right word.

  I end up walking her to her bed and as I drop her off she asks, "Can you stay?" I turn around and nod. I go in my room and change, brush my teeth, and then I head over to her room. I see that she's already in bed, so I go up and get under the covers. She ends up scooting closer to me and she rests her head on my chest. I stroke her hair and she eventually falls asleep. Not soon after, sleep gets me.

  "No, no stop please." I flutter my eyes open and turn on the light. It's Y/n, she's having a nightmare. I get up and walk around to her side of the bed. "Y/n, Y/n listen to me, it's just a dream it's not real," I tell her. Only thing though it that it could be real and it could be a memory. I was talking to Shuri before we left and she said that most of Y/n's memories are still hidden and lost. She said that she will be experiencing a lot of this kind of stuff. I remember when I went through this. I was on my own in Romania and not only that but I was on the run from Hydra.

  Y/n took care of them though. "Stop please," she begs. She's laying on her back in a stiff position. I go to grab her hand and she pulls away. "No! Stop!" She yells. "Y/n, you need to wake up. This isn't real. You are safe and in the Avengers Tower," I try to comfort her. She just shakes her head and squirms. "Bucky?" She says in a sorrowful tone. "It's ok, it's ok. I'm right here," I tell her. "No come back, I'm sorry," She cries. Who's leaving her.
  "No! Your gone!" She cries. I go to shake her, not knowing what else to do. "Y/n, you need to wake up!" I tell her. Suddenly her eyes shoot open "NO!" She screams and she sits up with a jolt. I back off of her a little and she just looks at me and takes me in a hug. "Don't leave me," she says in a mouse like voice. "Please," she adds. She has her arms wrapped around me and she has her face in the pit of my neck. "It's ok doll, I'm not leaving you. I'm not owing anywhere. It was just a dream," I comfort her.

Y/n pov

  I sit up with a jolt. Right away I spot Bucky and spring towards him and hug him. He can't leave, he can't. I wrap my arms around him and burry my face into him and cry. "Don't leave me... Please," I beg in a shallow voice. "It's ok doll, I'm not leaving you. I'm not going anywhere. It was just a dream," he comforts me. He's stroking my hair and comforting me, but I can't get those images out of my head.

  I didn't end up sleeping for the rest of the night. I never can, the dreams are just to much. Bucky ended up falling back asleep, so I just sat there with him, watching him peacefully sleep. I watch his chest rise and fall. I end up walking out to the balcony and sit there for a while. Come morning when Bucky wakes up he walks out onto the balcony and rubs my shoulders.

  "You didn't sleep did you?" He asks. I shake my head in response. "I'm sorry, I should have stayed up." Why is he apologizing? "Don't be sorry. It's my fault," I tell him. If I didn't have that nightmare then I wouldn't have woken him up. "Hey, you can wake me up for anything," he says. He takes a seat next to me and wraps his arm around me. I wish that I could jus sleep and live a normal life, but at this rate that will never happen. Even though it's a new day, I will never have a fresh start.

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