Chapter 38

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Y/n pov
It has now been three days since the meeting. We're all sitting in the main living room. Peter, Nat, Tony, and Wanda are playing a game. Clint and Steve are both on the couch reading. Bruce is writing some things down. Thor is eating and watching tv. I'm sitting on the floor reading a book and Bucky is sitting on a chair, trying to braid my hair.

We're all just chilling and relaxing. Something that you don't get much of in this line of work. Thor is flipping through channels when he stops at the new. "The Avengers finally return from a long trip. There where taking care of matters else where in the world, when they got caught in a fight. In this picture here, you can see them with bandages and bruised. If you look closer though, you can see another person, a woman in fact, exit the plane."

We all sit up and turn out attention to the new lady. "Thor turn it up!" I command. We all gather close to the tv screen. "We have speculated that she is a new member of the Avengers. We don't know whether or not she has powers, or what her back story is. So the new question is, who is this mysterious woman? What is she doing with the Avengers? Does she have powers? And how much experience does she have?" The news lady asks.

"Shit," I breath out. "This ain't good," Tony says. Thor turns off the tv and we all just sit there bewildered. "It'll all be ok doll," Bucky smiles. I look at him and then Steve speaks, "Will fix this Y/n." "Why is this bad?" Peter asks. We all look at him confused. "I mean she's been here for what? five months? Why not let them know who you are and then you could offishly be apart of the team," Peter says.

"Because if I'm apart of this team, the government will find out my backstory, where I'm from. I could be sent to the raft. I've always worked in the shadows, I've never been in the light," I tell them. "If people found out who I am, it wouldn't end well. Other country's would have my head. People would come after you guys. Your all holding a murderer," I explain, my voice coming out louder then I want it to. Bucky comes on the floor with me and hugs me.

"Y/n, I thought the same thing when I first joined, but it all ended up being fine," Bucky says. "But I've been killing since I was nine," I tell him. "If the world finds out the people I've killed, it could start a war," I add. We all just sit there, knowing that I'm right in this. "What if we just pick and choose? That way they have enough but not the whole thing?" Tony proposes.

"Like what?" I ask. "We'll just do what we did with Bucky. We can even get the Wankandan's to help us out,"Steve says. "I don't want to be seen. I've been in the shadows ever since I was little. If I'm now in the picture," I pause and sigh. "Y/n, maybe this is a good thing," Bucky states. "How so?" I ask.

"It's like you've said, 'You've always been in the shadows'. You could be seen for who you really are," Bucky finishes. "Besides people now have seen you. People will start to speculate and become curious," Tony adds. I sigh, "I suppose your right." I still don't like it though. I get up and as I'm about to leave I tell them, "I'm going to go clean my guns," I tell them.

Once I get to my room, I pack up my guns in a duffle bag and head down to the shooting range. As I'm in the elevator it stops and Peter walks in. "Hey Y/n, are you doing ok?" He asks. "I don't like this," I respond.

"You know, when I first joined the Avengers I was nervous too. Yet it all ended up being ok," he says. "It's different for you though. People still don't know who you are. People will find out who I am, I don't have a mask to hide behind like you do. Not only that, but your not a mass killer," I add.

"But you've changed. Your not the same person that you where. I saw it," Peter says. I look to him with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" I ask. "When Wanda was going through your mind, I saw who people think that you are. But after being in Russia with you, everyone was wrong. Your nice and kind," he says. "Your like a mother the way you care for people. Your always willing to make the sacrificing move. Not only that but your a leader," he adds.

I look down to the ground and hang my head. "Peter, if people find out who I am. People will come after everyone in this building just to have my head," I tell him. He sighs and looks down to the ground. The elevator door open and I step out. "If you see Bucky, can you tell him I'm in the shooting range?" I ask. Peter looks to me, smiles, and nods.

I make my way to the range and thankfully no one is here. I pull out my AR and load the magnum. I place it in the slot and start shooting at the target, every time shooting in the same place as before. After a few rounds with that gun, I pull out my Savage 243 rifle and start to shoot at about 200 yards away. Thankfully they made the range long enough so people can practice long distances.

As I'm shooting, I start to wonder. What if I moved back to Russia? I could live in my cabin, I could hunt for my meals, and maybe even do a few missions here and there. That life doesn't sound to bad. I sigh and put down my rifle on the table next to me. I bring the target closer and bring out my hand guns. After multiple rounds, I pack up and head back to my room so I can clean my guns.

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