Chapter 26

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Strong language
Bucky's pov

  Out of no where, Y/n starts to whimper. Then you can hear some sort of machinery be turned on. "What is that sound?"  Tony asks confused. I look up to the scree and see Y/n is literally strapped down from head to toe. "What are they going to do to her?" Steve asks in confusion and shock. Then Red Skull, with out his mask pops in the picture, standing above her. His red skull like face could give anyone nightmares. Especially with how fresh it it. Standing next to Y/n is Korbin.

  "You deserve this my child," Korbin says in the darkest, most angriest tone I have ever heard. Both Y/n on the screen and here is whimpering and crying. "Not only did you help Eirkenstine escape, but you messed with the super soldier serum and made me look like this. But you helped out that man and helped his team escape. You killed over five hundred of my soldiers," Red Skull says with rage and fury. He looks over to Zola and nods. Zola is holding a saw and Y/n's face just drops. Wait, this is happening because of me.  "Now your going to pay my pet. Not only that, but we WILL break you."

"No! I'm sorry I'm so sorry! Please," she pleads. Korbin walks up to her and places his hand on her face. "My pet, all of you actions have consequences. You deserve this. It's your fault," Korbin says, trying to mess with her brain. "Please," Y/n cry's. "I'm so sorry!" Then the sound of a chain saw starts up.

  "No," Y/n breathes out. I quickly turn my attention to her. She's tossing her head back and forth, trying to get out of to restrains. "Please," she pleads. "BUCKY!" She yells out. I don't know what to do, other then try and comfort her. So I go over to her and start to talk in her ear. "It's ok. It's not real," I whisper. "HILFE!" She pleads. Then there's a blood curdling scream. A wave of gasped and 'oh my goodness' goes over the room. They literally just took a chain saw and cut off her arm.

The screaming on the screen stops but Y/n is starting to freak out. She's starting to shake uncontrollably and she's hyperventilating to the point where she can't breath. "Y/n, it's ok, it's done. Your safe, your in Wakanda. I'm here, I'm going to protect you," I say softly in her ear. The screen comes back on and Y/n is in the corner of her cell, trying to claw off the metal arm. She's covered head to toe in her own blood. It then skips to her being in that damn chair.

"Please, please, make it stop," she whispers on the bed. "Just a little longer," I tell her. I hate to push her like this, I really do, but we need to get the programming out. The screen then goes to her laying on the floor of her cell, crying with her knees pulled up to her face. "I can't believe that they just sawed it off as a punishment," Natasha says. "We need to skip ahead," Tony commands.

We end up skipping to the day I came to Hydra, the day that it became my home. Y/n's laying on her cell after a day of training. It looks like they actually have let her aged a little bit. Two guards open the door to her cell and throw me in. It was after my surgery, it was also after my first whipping session. I've had the arm for around five days now, and I can tell you that that arm was the most uncomfortable thing. The way it weighed you down and how different it was from my other arm. It wasn't an easy adjustment.

Seeing myself through her eyes is strange to say the least. "Wow Barnes, look at that short hair," Tony jokes. Steve laughs but I just sigh. I turn my attention back to the screen. Y/n stays in the corner and just looks at me. I quickly get up and right as they close the door I slam my fist into it. I take another hit to the door with my metal hand.

"It's no use," Y/n says with her Russian accent. "Who the hell are you? Are you here to kill me?" I ask in an angry tone. "Net," she responds, keeping her gaze to the ground. "What the fuck did you just say to me?!" I snap. I end up cringing. I forgot how mean I was. I just remember being so angry at myself, Hydra, everything and everyone. For a time I was angry at Steve.

I watch myself walk up to her, I grab her by her shirt and lift her up. But right as I do she grabs my hands and bends it back, until I hear a pop. I drop her and kneel over in pain. "You fucking bitch!" I scream at her. I get up and run at her. But she uses my momentum and throws me into the wall, making it crack. I lay there on my back in pain. "Why don't you just do it?! Get it over with and kill me!" I bark. She hovers over top of me and simply says, "You're not my mission." She then walks away and back into her corner.

I get up with a grunt, pretty sure that she cracked my ribs. "Who the fuck are you?" I demand. Instead of responding she just sits there, repeating the same thing. Then I couldn't hear it but now I can. "Peter, brother. Sampson, father?" She sounds lost and confused. "What the hell are you saying?" Old me spits. But she just keeps mumbling to herself. "Edmon, friend. Red Sk-" "I'm talking to you!" I yell. Then she looks up, then she stands with the vibe of, 'step off'.

  "If you want to keep the other arm, you better learn your place and learn it soon," she growls. "All you Nazi's are the same. Pricks who want total power, you gain happiness from watching people suffer." She walks closer to me, and I act like I can take her, in reality I can't. "Barnes, wha-" Tony starts but I cut him off. "I just lost everything. I lost my arm, my team, my friends. I was back in the place that I feared. And knowing Hydra, I thought that she was there to mess with me or kill me," I explain in an annoyed tone. The rest of the memory is silent with us sitting in opposite corners of the room.

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