Chapter 34

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Y/n' s pov

  "So what was the prank?" Clint asks. "Edman was very smart. He was training to be a soldier but he was a little to brainy. So he made a concoction that would make you basically breath fire. It was the spiciest thing you would have ever tasted," I tell them. "We decided to pour it in the soup, so not only did Zola get affected but so did everyone else that ate the soup. We ended up putting eight people in the medical wing. Along with a ticked off Red Skull. We used to joke though that the reason Zola was balding was because of the soup," I laugh.

  "How is that funny? You literally hospitalized people," Tony says. "Because most of them shit themselves," I laugh. Wanda bursts out laughing. She read my mind, I look at her and smile. "Let me show you guys," she says. A red whisp fly's over the room and then everyone bursts out laughing.

  "That's the meanest thing ever," Peter says. I fake laugh at that. "Wait, you did something meaner?" Tony asks. "Why do you think the Red Skull go his red skull?" I ask. The room goes silent. "Wait, but the serum wasn't ready," Steve says. "No, it was actually stronger then yours," I tell him. "I was the lab rat, and I knew that if he got ahold of the power I have, it would be bad," I tell him. "So Eirkenstine changed it?" Steve asks. I nod my head. "So what happened?" Bruce asks. "I changed it and substituted it with superacid," I tell them.

  "Wow, that's cold," Bucky says. "Let's just say he wasn't too happy," I laugh. "Your girls cold Barnes," Tony laughs. I shrug my shoulders. We end up talking a little bit longer and Bucky's playing with my hair, trying to braid it. Come 11:37, we all start heading to out rooms. Bucky drops me off to my room. "Sleep well Y/n," Bucky says and makes his way to his room. "Wait," I stop him. "Can you stay?" I ask. He smile at me and mouths one moment. I smile and head into my room.

I put all my guns and knives away and hop under the covers. This is all still to comfortable for my liking. Bucky walks in the room with pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt. He smiles at me and I smile back. He hop's in bed with me and we just lay there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I'm laying on Bucky's chest, listening and counting his heart beet, my head rising and falling with his breaths. He play's with my hair and we eventually fall asleep.

  I wake up, hearing the sound of a saw. I open my eyes and try to sit up but I can't. There's a bright light in my face that blocks out the other people's faces. There voices are distorted and I can't tell what language they're talking in. I can now see the saw and they bring it close to my arm and then I start to fall through the bed and through the floor.

  I end up dropping in some random place. I quickly pick myself up and see Peter on the floor covered in blood. Only thing though, is it's not my Peter, it's Peter Parker. He looks at me and he has a gunshot in the middle of his skull. "No," I breath out in shock. I step back but as I do I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see who it is and I realize that it's my Peter. His flesh is rotting and he's all beet up looking. His skin is pale and his eyes are fogged over and lifeless.

  "You killed us," my Peter says in a distorted voice. I shake my head and close my eyes. "No, she's gone. I wouldn't hurt anyone," I plead. "Then why is the gun in your hand?" He asks. There's not blood draining from his mouth. I look down to my hands and he's right, I'm the one with a gun in my hands. I look over to Parker and he's gone, instead it's Eirkenstine. "I didn't kill him!" I shout in a stern voice. I turn back to Peter but he's replaced with Red Skull. And instead of being in the room of where I killed my brother I'm a house. It's mine though.

  I shake my head and close my eyes. "How is his death not your fault?" Red Skull asks. "I didn't shoot him!" I yell. Red Skull touches my face, making my eyes open. But now it's Edman. "Edman?" "Your a monster, how could anyone ever love you?" I back up and before I know it, I'm falling of the building looking into the start night sky. Instead of hitting the snow covered concrete, I hit a bed instead. I get up and I see Bucky.

  I'm back. I'm back. I can feel tears well up in my eyes. I go to hug him but instead he get's up and out of the bed. "James?" What is he doing? "You really think that I still love you? Your a murderer! A monster!" He shouts with a look of discuss written on his face. He turns and walks out of the door. The room turns pitch black and I'm no longer sitting on a bed. Regather the cold ground.

  I can't help but cry. "It's your fault that your like this." I look up and see the Red Soldier. "Your supposed to be gone," I cry. The Red Soldier bends down and cups my face. With one swift movement, she back hands me. I open my eyes to see Pierce. I shake my head and try to move my I'm strapped down to the chair, unable to move. "Let's get Hydra's pet back," he smiles. It's that same evil smile, he reminds me so much of Korbin. A doctor comes up and shoves a mouth guard in my mouth.

  Right as it start's up I'm bound by my wrists from the ceiling. "Please, please let me go!" I yell. "Now, now my pet." My blood runs could and my breathing starts to become shallow. "Oh Y/n, you really are a foolish girl," he taunts. I watch him pick up a sword and he runs at me with it. Right as it hit's me it all changes once more.

  I'm sitting on the floor of my old living room. I go to grab my throbbing head, I look up and my eyes go wide. "We told you to take care of your brother, and you failed," my Father says. "No, I sent him away," I tell them. I look over to my Mother and she starts to walk closer towards me. "No daughter of mine would kill. Not only did you kill your brother, but your the reason we're dead. How could anyone be proud of you?" Mother states. "I didn't wan't to kill! I didn't have a choice." My voice is so broken up.

  "You couldn't save us." I turn around and see Bucky, Tony, Nat, everyone. They're all lifeless and dead. Their body's are scattered and they all lay there dead. I'm in the living room at the tower. I'm in my suit and I have the same arm as I did before. I look down and I'm holding two katanas. It's all my fault, I've killed everyone.


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