'Chapter 42'

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I walked around the house, few people saying hi to me. I got to the outside and saw many people in the pool, swimming and throwing floaties at each other. I felt a hand around my shoulder and turned seeing Levi.

"Stalking me?" He asked, I smiled at him. He had a red cup in his hand. and he almost leaned into me.
"Well your the one that sent me your address," I chuckled.
"Were you the one that turned up on the motorbike?" He asked, he started pulling me around the pool to small seating area where Liz, Betty and some of the other girls were seated.
"Uh yeah," I chuckled. I smiled at them and sat down next to Betty.

"Hey!" She smiled, her eyes looked up and down me and nodded. "Love your swimsuit, you look amazing." ainodded.
"Thank you!" I smiled.

It was really like one of those movie scenes, people drinking talking eating all around the house music blasting. I felt my phone buzz and I looked down at it, there was a message from both Peter and MJ saying they were here.

"Uh excuse me, I just have to go say hi to some people," I smiled as the rest of the group stared at me.

"Who?" Liz rolled her eyes.
"Peter, Ned and MJ." I smiled. I heard one of them scoff.
"I'll be back." I said with a fake smile in my face. 'I had only known these girls for a little while and they were quite mean to anyone that wasn't in the group.'

I walked through the party to the open door and saw Peter, Ned and MJ waiting awkwardly just in from the front gate.

"Hi!" I smiled walking up to them.
"Hey," Peter smiled at me.
The Party was really fun, it got to a point where everyone had started to swim and jump in the pool.

"Do you know what would be really cool," I heard someone say.
"If someone jumped off the roof." I heard someone continue. the group watched as everyone started doing backflips and fancy jumps into the pool from a small diving board. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"You wanna jump into the pool?" He smiled, I could tell by the way he was speaking that we weren't just  going to jump but do something stupid.
"Yeah, I guess." He grabbed my hand and I jumped up from where I was sitting and followed Levi into the house. He took me through the house and i followed him up two large staircases and to a guest bedroom. he opened the window that lead out into the roof.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Levi. looked as he hesitated before getting up in the window ceil.

"Yeah if course I am." I nodded my head before following him up, effortlessly jumping up into the ceil and onto the roof. He held my hand as he lead me around and I felt that everything was going to well. I saw the backyard come into view and he quickened his step.

I heard a creak and got pulled forwards as Levi lost his footing and was sliding off the roof. I gasped as I gripped his hand and dropped to my knees. I used my weight to flip him around and pull him back up and used my hand to secure myself. His breath was heaving and he was in shock as we sat on the roof.

"Jesus, I almost died." he gasped making me laugh.
"Calm down mr sure about this. Your alive chill." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you for saving me, how'd you do it?" he gasped smiling at me.
"People either fight or flight, it's easy i just swung you around using the momentum from your slip physics." I smiled and he started laughing now.
"Your really smart." he said, standing back up to his feet, offering a hand to me which I took.
"Thank you, now let's go do something stupid." I smiled, pulling his hand and walking him to the edge of the roof, we were three stories above the pool. I smiled as people stared up at us as people cleared from the pool, just in case we jumped in them. Mj stood, phone in hand recording this, making me smile.

"Whatever you do, do not land on your belly spine or neck, it hurts really bad." I advised.
"Want me to go first?" He asked, even though I could see the fear in his eyes.
"No thanks I got it, you'll be fine jumping alone?" I asked and he nodded. i took a couple steps back and took a breath.

I then ran forwards and jumped off the edge, I flipped my head backwards and my body followed, doing a backflip before landing in the water. I used my legs and kicked up from the bottom and came out of the pool with people clapping and laughing. I swam to the closest edge and sat on it watching Levi, he took a couple steps back out of sight before running and jumping.

Even though he didn't do a flip or anything jazzy, people still clapped and cheered as he came out of the water. He swam over to me smiling.

"At least I can cross that off the bucket list,"
"Wait you have never done that before?" I gasped. He shook his head and I laughed.
"Nope, have you?" I shook my head no as well making him laugh.


They night was ending, a glossy sunset painting the sky. It was mainly the girl and boy group left, Peter Ned and MJ had left a couple hours ago. Rubbish and leftover food and drinks were scattered around the house as we sat in the living room watching some raunchy comedy. One I had already seen, thanks Sam.

My phone buzzed that Yelena was coming to pick me up in the main avengers group chat. I saw Yelena had messaged me privately saying that she was coming in a motorbike with a winking emoji, 'Oh godness,' I thought to myself. 30 minutes later I heard a motorbike ripping through the streets making us all turn our heads to the front door.

"Do you always get loud motorbikes down your street?" Betty asked as I smiled.
"Only when I getting picked up," I smiled as they all starred at me. I got up, grabbing my towel that was damp and my bag that I had brought.

"Thanks for having me," I smiled as Levi got up. The remaining members of the group got up as well, to see the motorbike that had pulled up.
"My pleasure, here let me walk you out." He offered, I smiled at his gesture.

We walked out of the house and to the front door where Yelena was waiting with a smile.

"Who's this?" Levi asked. My brain spasmed trying to come up with something.
"She's my family friend." I covered. She smiled waving at the group.
"Hi," She smiled.
"I had a lot of fun, thank you again for having me." I smiled and he nodded.
"Thanks for coming, I will see you on Monday?" he ending his sentence with a question.
"Yeah of course!" I smiled. I walked over as Yelena handed me the helmet.

"хотите произвести впечатление на своих друзей?(wanna impress your friends?)" i nodded.
"конечно?(sure)" I answered confused on what she was gonna do.
"Wanna drive?" she asked and I nodded.
"Yeah," I smiled. I got onto the bike and revved it as Yelena got on. I waved them goodbye as I flipped my visor down. Yelena held in to me and changed the gears shooting off down the road, a loud motorbike noise echoing through the street, I heard Yelena laughing behind me as I drove us him to the Stark Tower.

it's been a little while! sorry for the really slow updates I have been unmotivated to do anything and i'm so sorry for making you guys wait! i am so grateful to every single read and vote and comment you guys give! i'm trying my best to continue this work and I am going to try and write as much as I can before the new year! 
please enjoy!


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