Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

My mother never knew much about witchcraft. As a child, she showed me some of her spells which bought a few plants and flowers to life, blooming trees with fruits and grounds with vegetables, but that was all she knew about witchcraft. A few years later, she stopped practicing magic entirely and submitted to my father who was a werewolf.

She lived on his terms and made me live on his terms as well.

Growing up, I knew nothing about magic. Whatever came to me, came to me through voices in my head, visions, or sometimes even nightmares. Magic was an instinct for me and I never knew what it meant, or how I even began doing it.

A lump formed in my throat as I remembered her.

"I want protection for my mother as well," I turned to Elijah, and confessed. "If I'm unable to give the names to Alexandria, she'll go after my mother."

"And that should be my concern, how?" His voice deepened as he gave me a response I didn't expect.

My thoughts ran wild. "Because I told you everything I know about this curse and unless you don't want me to give your mother, your name, you're going to promise me protection for my mother."

"Did you threaten me?" He asked, standing up.

I reached his shoulders. My back straightened as I met his eyes. My stomach was tied into knots as I thought of all the terrible possibilities once Alexandria was going to learn that I wouldn't provide her with names anymore.

"Yes," I crossed my arms as defiance rang through my voice. "Promise me protection for my mother."


My mouth lined straight. Blood rushed through my veins, but before I could say anything else, Callan stepped between us.

"Just send a man there or something. It's not too far, she lives in Woodpine." Callan told him, taking my side.

I moved a few steps back while my face lightened. Elijah took another glance at me, unwilling to accept it. His jaw clenched and sharpened before his hand made a small movement. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number before giving the details about my mother.

I blew out a breath of relief, knowing she wasn't going to be harmed in all of this. I didn't care much about myself. I already knew I was doomed the moment I went to the winter ball.

"What do we do now is the question remaining?" Dion rose up and asked. "We know the queen wants us dead to break the curse and I'm sure nothing's going to stop her from getting to us. She's quite powerful."

My chest swelled as I heard his voice, but I moved away, and listened to them from afar while knowing well they didn't want to hear anything leaving from my lying mouth.

"I'm aware," Elijah nodded. "But she isn't going to come for either of you until she doesn't know about the rest two names and with the useless witch, she can't." They stood against each other, talking.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"The werewolf at the court," Dion paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before he continued. "The gray one. Is he the fourth one?"

Elijah and Callan glanced at each other, knowing something. My curiosity peaked. They knew who the fourth one was, the last man who held the mark of the pentacle. I quickly turned my head away before they caught me listening to them.

"It's better if nobody knows who's he," Callan whispered, keeping his voice low. Something mysterious swelled in the air. "Or where he is right now. The farther away he is, the fewer deaths we have to deal with."

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