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"IT SCARED US JUST THINKING ABOUT IT." DEBBIE QUIVERED, her tone laced from worry to fear as she looked at The Warrens that sat across from her and her roommate. "When you hear it,
you're gonna thing we're insane."

"Try us. Please. Start from the beginning." Ed Warren spoke. The recorder clicked as Debbie continued speaking.

"It started out small, like a hand or a leg was in a different position. Then it's head was looking up instead of down. And then one day, it was in a completely different room. It was moving around by itself."

Maeve looked at the doll, that freaky looking doll that sat on a chair, its face was terrifying to the human eye. But it oddly enough intrigued Maeve's mind.

She pulled her eyes away before speaking up. "If it possible that maybe somebody had a key to your apartment and was playing a trick?" Maeve looked between the two.

"That's exactly what we thought." Debbie said, looking to the blonde sat next to her. "But never once did we find any sign or evidence of intrusion."

"And this all led you to believe that the doll was possessed?" Lorraine asked.

Debbie nodded. "Yes. Camilla got in touch with a medium. We learned from her that a 7-year old girl..named Annabelle Higgins has died in this apartment. She was lonely and took a liking to my doll."

"All she wanted was to be friends."

"When we heard this, we felt really sorry for her." Camilla pointed to her.

"I mean, we're nurses, we help people." Maeve looked at Camilla, straight in the eye as she wanted her to continue. "So," The blonde said, looking to Debbie. "we gave her permission to move into the doll."

"Wait. You did what?" Ed questioned as Maeve coughed loudly, causing all eyes to go to her. She gave a harsh look that meant to continue speaking.

Camille leaned forward. "She wanted to live with us by inhabiting the doll-"
"So you said yes." Maeve snapped, looking at the blonde dumbfounded.

Ed and Lorraine turned their heads to Maeve who instantly shut her mouth, cursing under her breath.

She gave an apologetic smile but she could the corners of Ed Warren's mouth were tugging upward.

Debbie carried on.

"But then, things got worse."

"When we came home, she was sitting in the hallway. But we had left her in the spare room."

Maeve's eyebrows arched. "We are beyond terrified."

Who wouldn't? Maeve thought. "We don't know what's going on, or what to do. Can you help us?" Debbie asked.

Ed leaned forward. "Yes we can."

"Now, firstly, there's no such thing as Annabelle, and there never was."

"Ghosts don't possess such power." Lorraine added, "i think what we have here is something extremely manipulative, -"

"It's something inhuman." Maeve said, interrupting her mother.

Both Ed and Lorraine nodded, as the three looked back to the two girls. "It was a big mistake acknowledging this doll." Ed said.

"And through that, the inhuman spirit tricked you. You gave it permission to infest your lives.

Camilla leaned towards to Ed. "What's a inhuman spirit?"

"It's something that's never walked the earth in human form." Maeve said. "It's something demonic."

Both girls looked at Maeve, letting it settle in their brains. "..So, the doll was never possessed?" Camilla asked.

Lorraine shook her head. "No, no. It was used as a conduit. It was moved around to give the impression of possession. Demonic spirits don't possess things, they possess people."

"It wanted to get inside of you."


- hey guys, so i updated all my chapters and im currently writing a new chapter(i promise, i do promise). i'm going to make maeve more older and more mature but she still will be as she was before just older, that's it for now.

- bye guys!

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄, the conjuring moviesWhere stories live. Discover now