002| chapter two

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"COME ON CHICKY, COME ON." MAEVE SAID, in a quiet and hushed tone to not scare the little chick as she bent down in her jeans, arm outstretched, food placed in her palm so the chick would waddle towards her.

Maeve stepped closer softly, just as the chick waddled away. The brunette held her hands high in defeat. As this was the fourth time that she tried to get the chick to eat.

Judy giggled as she and Lorraine scattered the food onto the mud, Maeve stepped forward to catch the chick once again but it waddled away, again.

"Winston? Winston?" Judy said softly as she held out the bucket to him.

"Get behind him." Lorraine instructed, the girl nodded as she crawled behind the chick.

Maeve smiled, as she stood back up, pushing back a few strands of her hair from her face.

Maeve noticing her father watching them with a smile, so she walked towards him. "Hey dad," Maeve smiled.

Ed returned the smile. "Hey hun. Having fun?" He asked.

Maeve laughed, looking down at herself. "Yeah. Having mud in your clothes and hair is really fun, you should try it sometime." She said sarcastically as Ed chuckled.

Maeve glanced at her father, noticing that he had the car keys and his coat.

Was he going somewhere? She thought, furrowing her eyebrows, and shooting him a confused look. "are y-"

"Where you off to?" Lorraine suddenly interrupted, joining the two as she rested her arms on the wooden gate.

"I was about to ask the same thing." Maeve muttered, before looking at her father again, an answer awaiting.

"I just gotta run to the store for a few things." Ed replied, lying through his teeth, but Lorraine could see right through him. "Why do you even try?" She asked.

Ed pretended to look confused. "What? What do you mean?" He questioned. Lorraine tilted her head. "In 15 years have you ever been able to lie to me?"

Maeve was stood beside her mother, her mouth agape in confusion as she flickered her eyes to Ed to Lorraine in confusion as they talked.

"Can someone tell me what's going o-"

Ed sighed. "Father Gordon called. He's got a case he wants us to look into. I said: I'd go check it out myself." Ed said, looking at Lorraine as she opened the gate.

"Myself, Lorraine." He repeated, as he walked to the car, followed by Lorraine and Maeve.

"I'm going with you." She said, "I know your worried its going to happen again." Lorraine leaned on the car door as Ed threw his coat into the car, before looking at her.

"Yeah. I am. I really am." Ed says. Maeve stood behind her father as she looked at them both puzzled expression, waiting for yet another answer.

"Mabye its just time we take a break." Ed suggested. "Write that book."

Lorraine looks at Ed, a blank expression plastered on her face. "Do you remember what you said to me on our wedding night?" Lorraine suddenly asks.

Maeve snaps her head to her mother, then she glimpsed at her fathers face and a smirk crossing his lips as he looked at Lorraine, his arm resting on the door frame.

"Can we do it again?"

Maeve groans loudly, eyes widened, mouth agape. "Oh my good. That's..so..so disgusting. Hello, your daughter is here." Maeve exclaimed in pure displeasure and disgust.

Lorraine and Ed snap their heads to see their daughter glaring at them as if they did something atrocious.

Ed folded his arms over his chest, a stern expression on his face while Lorraine lowered her head as she chuckled silently. "Maeve, what-why- where you earsdropping?" Ed said sternly.

Maeve looked up at her father. "No! Trust me, I did not want to hear that. And, also.." The brunette said standing up properly, "why didn't you tell me that there was a new case?" Maeve said, arms folded across her chest, mimicking the same gesture and expression her father has on.


AFTER MANY PLEADS AND BEGS FROM MAEVE, Ed gave up and let Maeve come with him and Lorraine to help with the case.

She and Lorraine quickly had gotten changed before they made their journey to wherever this new case was.


"We've isolated the disturbances to the attic." Lorraine explained to the couple. "I just want you to listen for a second."

Lorraine gestured to Ed, who put his foot down on the wooden floor, making sudden screeching noises.

The woman clutched onto her husbands arm frightened. "Oh my god! That's it."

Maeve fought the urge to roll her eyes at the couple as she looked around the attic.

Lorraine nodded at Ed to do it again. "Right now it's just my weight. But you take the water coming off the pipe combined with the wind coming through the broken window..these boards are gonna expand and rub against each other." Ed said, motioning to the couple about what he was talking about to make it clear.

"You heard it all through the house because of these pipes leading to the radiator."

"So this place isn't haunted?" The man said.

Maeve shook her head, still looking around the attic. "No, it rarely is."

The couple looked at her for a moment, before Lorraine spoke up.

"There's usually always some kind of rational explanation." Maeve gave the couple a short glare at how they stared at her, it was always like this for her.

You either stay quiet and don't get weird stares. Or you do talk, and get weird stares.


- chapter two is out! im just editing three and four now!

- hope enjoyed the chapter, and have a blessed day or night wherever you are!

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