Sixty four (Part I)

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The house is in uproar chaos as they all woke up and found Khalifa missing, as well as Haana, only a single note left behind;

'I know I'm not in the right condition to do this but it will kill me to know Naisa's in danger and I can't do anything about it. Remember the tracker I placed in Naisa's ring back in Egypt? The ring is with me. Track it down as soon as you find this note.'


That's just it.

Khalifa glared at the rusty metallic door in front of them. The hoodie of the black sweatshirt he's wearing covered his curly hair, a black face mask shrouding his face. His heart is thumping fast in his chest. Haana offered to help him get to Sakeena and he took the chance because he knows no one will let him go, so they both snuck out of the house.

Haana placed her thumb on the fingerprint scanner which made the door creak open, revealing a room that had just a bulb as the source light. The room is clean and empty with no one in, at least that's what Khalifa thought. All of a sudden the room brightens up making Khalifa's jaw to drop at the sight in front of him.

He rushed to the glass box in the middle of the room where Sakeena laid unconscious on the floor. He banged the glass with his hand as his eyes pooled with tears. She looks thin and weak, her skin is ashy and pale. He felt his heart getting squeezed as he curled his hand into a hard fist, before Haana could react, he banged the glass really hard but it was all futile. He kept repeating the same action till his knuckles were oozing blood.

Khalifa collapsed on his knees, his vision becoming blurry as he heard his felt shattering like a glass that is being repeatedly hammered. His breath is coming out in hard, short puffs as the tears began to roll down his now red face. His head hung low between his shoulders as he sobbed and sniffed, until a whimper from Sakeena made him shoot his head up.

He watched her as she stirred on the floor, low whimpers escaping from her lips as she struggle in her state of unconsciousness. Khalifa rose to his feet and placed his hands on the glass and called out her name. "Naisa, Naisa wake up. Please wake up." He banged the glass as his body shook exasperatedly.

She laid still making his heart bang loudly to the point he's scared it can be heard. The place fell dead quiet as Khalifa waited for a slight movement with his heart on his sleeve. Sakeena's eyes peeled open as they roamed around the room then they landed on Khalifa. She pulled herself to her feet as she staggered backwards. "You're back." She directed her statement to Haana. "Do you know that I dreamt of Khalifa so hard that I can see him in front of me?" Sakeena laughed lightly.

"It's me Naisa, I'm really here." Khalifa whispered as he stared at her. She looks worst than he thought, still wearing the black outfit from when she incident happened.

"Yes you are." She paused. "In my head." She added.

Khalifa glanced back at Haana who raised her brows in question. "How many dosage of sedative does he inject her?" Khalifa asked because he's seeing how tipsy and drowsy she is.

"I'm not sure." Hanna answered hesitantly.

"Khalifa." Sakeena called making him turn his head back to her. "You're really here?" Her statement came out as a question.

"I'm here." He replied.

She sniffed and placed her hand on the glass. "I wasn't sure that you will make it." She cried even harder.

"I have to, for you." He stared into her glossy eyes. "I have to make it to come here and save you."

Realization took over her facial features. "Khalifa what are you doing here?" She asked with widened eyes.

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